About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


One Of My Very Own


[verification needed]




The cinematography of 2001: A Space Odyssey


It was worth a shot...


The cinematography of Dr. Zhivago



When they were little, I would "read" my daughters' fortune cookies. I would say things like, "Never lie about brushing your teeth or they will fall out," or "Don't play with Hanna, she's not a nice girl," or "Tomorrow you're getting shots, don't cry."

Speaking of lying parents...







They said no.






The Simpsons predicted it years ago...

Probably a little of both.

[verification needed]


To leave the nursing home
I recently had a physical where I was given a test for any signs of dementia or Alzheimer's. The first "test" was the lady saying five items, then repeat them and I was supposed to repeat them. She then said she would ask me to repeat them at the conclusion of that portion of my exam. I immediately repeated "apple, pen, tie, house, car." When that part of the exam was over I repeated apple, pen, tie, house, car. When the next doctor came into the room I said apple, pen, tie, house, car. When the nurse came in I said apple, pen, tie, house, car, then again when a student doctor came in, and then I was on a roll repeating it to everyone I passed in the hall, the scheduling lady and the receptionist. A good time was had by all.

By the way, I have never turned on or turned off an alarm keypad of any kind and I may be the last first world citizen to say that.

“Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between a photograph that is a work of art and a photograph of a work of art.”

- Magnificent Ruin



Of all the inventions, the JerkyNails might be the most unnecessary snack that I’ve ever made.

A fancy fart dress 
 How you inflate it...



What must the horse be thinking...



No photography while hijacking a train? 

I've known people who have done something very similar. If it works it's not stupid.

“People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.”

- Isaac Asimov





I wonder what it does to track vehicles. And I think vehicles going the opposite direction could get over it. 

To repeat: How the fuck do those people get insurance on their business? And today I learned they serve ALCOHOL!!!

The world stands with Hong Kong. 

I posted that right before the Super Bowl.

I lost my virginity on a Thursday...right after my Boy Scout meeting. 


If you think America is not special I would remind you the Yeehaw can not be translated to any other language.



I used to stumble upon dozens of those attacks by the deadly traffic gates, but that's the first one in a long time.


The internet tells me that there are a lot of nipple lovers out there.


Speaking of jumping improperly...



A teacher at my school had that exact same thing happen to her. She got his tag number and took him to court. The judge threw the book at him with loss of license, community service, and anger management classes.

I finally found a gif of this small enough to load.

Here's something similar. Pay attention.





"Take the risk of thinking for yourself, much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will come to you that way.”








 Name as many films as you can. 


Fardygardy said...

^^D9^^. Scout Master?


Becki said...

Laughing at the fortune cookie with your daughters line!
My proper mother (no swearing and the like) had a gentleman friend after my father was gone.
They used to go for Chinese all the time, and he'd finish dinner before her and push her to open her fortune cookie before she was done.
She tired of it one day, as he sat there insisting that she open it.
She opened and read it, and he anxiously asked what it was.
She responded, "Ditch this asshole, and meet me in the alley."
He didn't think it was funny, but everyone else laughs at the story to this day.

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