About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 27, 2020



 And they can't isolate.
They think we 're gone.
Another illustration of the problem.

My father's generation was forced by their government to kill Nazi's in a faraway land.
My generation was forced by their government to kill the North Vietnamese in a faraway land.
Your generation is being asked very nicely to sit on your ass and watch movies...AND SOME OF YOU SEEM INCAPABLE OF DOING EVEN THAT!!!
This event will change everything. What are you going to tell your children when they ask what you did during the pandemic of 2020?

Things have just gotten real.
 Those fuckers never close!
We would be totally fucked without Amazon. 
China is delivering meat for citizens in garbage trucks.
Vietnamese hospital staff


How I imagine people trying to homeschool their kids feel right now.
Pandemic Seating Option
Still better than Season 8. 
How shopping for groceries feels like now...
That's a bat joke.
In these trying times, it is nice to see the world united, in hate for pineapple on pizza.
I missed the gag the first time I saw that.

Just in case things go farther south...
These next two require sound so I am forced to send you elsewhere.
Quarantine at home be like...

"Every storm runs out of rain."

- Maya Angelou


And even know that these Covidiots put their own family & others in danger.
Pornhub is doing its part...

The PERFECT social isolation movie: The Platform - but only if you are feeling just a little too good about your situation.



The wife and I are using an online grocery delivery service. Even the tip can be paid without touching them. We wipe everything down before it's brought into the house.
We get a pizza delivered every Thursday night and believe me it is a real treat. My favorite bartender is now a delivery driver and he works Thursday night which gives us a couple of minutes to catch up...from afar.
All in all, we are doing very, very well. I've even gotten some work done in my studio. Believe it or not, time is limited since I now post two full blogs a day.
Stay safe, Gentle Reader. I need you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your efforts, Ralph!

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