About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, March 2, 2020

MONDAY #4085

One Of My Very Own


 Hell, I would give it to myself if required.




Said to be "Sea Fossils of some ancient sea mollusks."
There are those who think that is fake. I have no way of proving it one way or the other. 
This post contains several items that have been contested. More to come.

That thing looks lethal!

Wes Anderson’s New Film, ‘The French Dispatch’.

The official synopsis for the film is: “The film is a love letter to journalists set in an outpost of an American newspaper in a fictional 20th Century French city and brings to life a collection of stories published in ‘The French Dispatch’ magazine.”

How can anyone not love this guy?

 If it was a label on a bottle of maple syrup it would be the most Canadian thing ever.

Go ahead. I dare you.

2020 and still waiting for the Sequel. District 9 was a really good movie on many levels.

Do you think there were skeletons in there?

300-year-old Tibetan carved skull

No word yet on whether this was made for a movie. 


Pointer puppies and their mother instinctively freezing at the sight of a “feather.”
That's not a real bird. My brother trained his hunting dog by putting a dove's wing in a weighted bag that he would hurl.

That seems like a great survival tactic.

Hairless horses do exist

And a hairless possum...


Parenting means you will never say "What?!" again without sounding annoyed.





Speaking of lies...
But we EXPECT those rags to tell lies, so no harm no foul. 


Fake, of course, but funny.



I want to give away free lab coats on the streets and turn our city's homeless problem into its crazy doctor problem.


Why would anybody give a shit about how many spouses consenting adults prefer? I just don't get it. 

 Why lie?
A comment: "This robe is what Cambodian monks wear, and this monk looks Khmer. NOT Tibetan."
I looked up images of both monks and apparently, the comment was correct. My question is why lie about it? 


Wouldn't a delivery guy know by now that they are constantly under surveillance? Why risk your job to save three or four seconds?

A reminder of what Dr. Souse had to say about a looming World War II:

Then I stumbled across this...
That sounds so very familiar.

I often wonder if I would have the guts to stand up to tyranny.
German anti-Nazi dissident.   He wrote this in jail after protesting the genocide of the Jews.   He was sent to Flossenbürg concentration camp.   After the July 20 plot to assassinate Hitler, he was tried, convicted and hung as the Allies breached German soil in the East and West.    Hitler committed suicide 21 days later.

What 2 milligrams of fentanyl, a lethal dose in most people, looks like:
And there are those who buy it on the street from people they don't know.
One of them, Jonny Kim, is an emergency physician and a veteran of 100 combat operations with the Navy SEALs, where he earned a Silver Star. He also has a mathematics degree and doctorate in medicine from Harvard. 
So, yeah, the bar is set pretty high.

Two Tunnel Shockwaves!

All caused by a sound.
 You really need sound with this one:

Wise man. 

 At her age, he doesn't have the wherewithal to know what life is about. Don't give up on something you just don't understand.


*escorted from Starbucks




Sad painting
How refreshing. 

Nobody can be that stupid...can they? 

Let's just call it bi-polar and move along.

Is such an intimate moment best served in front of a bunch of strangers?

With friends like these...
 Apparently, I am the only person who didn't know this was a thing.

She likes to get drunk and pet stray cats.
Earth Girls Are Easy. 


Back in my day criminals had the decency to carry around a sack with a “$” on it so you knew what they were up to.



Just think about it - all of his friends and associates can identify him and will never forget that clip. 


A flirt gone very wrong.




Repost but oh so funny. Needs sound.














1 comment:

Ploddy said...

For God's sake Ralph photo B2 …. everyone knows Joaquin Phoenix kills Russell Crowe in the movie Gladiator … you're welcome :)

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