About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 7, 2020


One Of My Very Own


This is why I'm more concerned than my young friends.
 Then I'd need to stockpile even MORE toilet paper!
 Or removing your Tampon.

 I'm sorry, but I lost the link. But basically, we communicate with such touching and we have been for thousands of years.
Here's what I'm going to do...

Then there's this moron...

"Tonight we have two guests: an epidemiologist from the CDC and a man who says illness is a conspiracy by doctors. Who's right? You decide."

That's true.





Watching light travel at 10 trillion frames per second.

Turkish garbage collectors open a library with all of the books citizens discard in their trash.


Mini USB Wall Charger Spy Camera


More on this subject here:

I think I've shown you this before...
But I just noticed something odd. 

They can't drive up to their house. There are no driveways. So we would have to tote our two dozen grocery bags from one end of our property to the other. And that dash to the door in the rain is now 50 fucking yards.
Also, American households have more cars than will fit in that little circle. 

 I didn't believe that, but it's true. He did it by planting trees.


X-Ray of a gymnast doing floor exercises

Technically it's a gymnast poses in a floor exercise position.

I'm going to post every signal thing I come across about that subject. Everyone needs reminding. 

So, why don't we have health care provided? Could it be inept leadership? Don't believe me?

He would be the leader of the free world.
The most powerful man on Earth.

I weep for the future.

That a "rash of parking lot suicides" is even a fucking thing in America is disgusting. And these are the warriors we swore we would take care of when they returned home.


A rare glimpse of an Oarfish in its natural habitat.
 And they can get big!


You heard it here first, folks.  


doctor: are you sexually active?

me: buddy, i'm not even regularly active.



These bastards

They will kill a man if threatened. They can ruin an entire field of crops. As evidenced here they breed like...well...rabbits.

And they have no natural enemies to speak of. 

Every civilization has faced the problem of turning big wood into burnable sizes. And to see the solutions fascinates me.
And it just occurred to me why. When growing up we had three functioning fireplaces in our house and it was my job to chop the wood. I hated it. Each swing of the ax further instilled my loathing of fireplaces.

I would visit that bar just to tell them I liked the sign.  

 The contents of a purse belonging to a 1960 graduate were recently discovered behind a locker panel in a Canton, Ohio high school.
  Among many other items was a large comb...which reminded me of a story.
When I first started making money from my leathercraft I decided to buy each member of my family a Christmas present. I gave my older sister a large comb like the one above. Decades later in a parking lot a thief hit her on the spinal cord so hard that she fell to her knees, then he stole her purse. When she told me the story her eyes moistened when telling me the comb had been stolen - the only item that could not be replaced.
BTW that incident left her with back problems for the rest of her life.

Note cow being beamed up.  


She asked for it.  

What do you think this is called?
Fried egg jellyfish.


Having birthday sex is kinda like having sex to celebrate your parents having had sex.







I don't think he spilled a thing!  

Storm doing its bit for the environment...
Took me 5 goes before I realized I didn't have to look for the roof to get torn off but the trash getting into the trash-can.


That little foot.  


What are the chances this girl gets impaled by a dart?
Right at 100%.

Pretty good segue to the next section.


I've been microwaving my underwear to warm them up for nearly 3 years and now I think I have testicular cancer.





A hardcore Catholic told me that the Pope performed a miracle. I wanted to know the details. She said that she was a young woman when her mother took her to see the Pope drive down the street and when his car got right in front of her she started her first period.
And no she never considered it a mere coincidence.  

You got to love that guy.  

I would have hung my arm out the window and really "bowled" the ball instead of throwing it. 

She hates people more than she fears the virus.
That lady is dealing with Coronavirus the same way our lawmakers are dealing with the looming climate disaster.  

 Every sport now has a concussion protocol wherein players are routinely tested and if found to show signs of a concussion is removed from play. In boxing, the whole point is to give your opponent a concussion.

Stable people do not do such things.  

That looks extraordinarily dangerous. Do you suppose it has very fast and sensitive monitors to stop it if some body part is about to be lopped off? 

I witnessed a car hit a curb and flip exactly like that after a semi pulled out directly in front of that guy and me. The trucking company would schedule a trial date, I would take the day off, then they would postpone the trial. They did this three times and I told the guy's lawyer that if they did it again I might remember some more much more damning things that the truck did. They settled out of court.

The mini tractor incident

It's a large file, so if it doesn't load, try this.

The right tire of the trailer is barely moving. If he just got inside the circle instead of outside the circle he could easily jump in the trailer then crawl to the front.


Want to cook a delicious chicken. Do the opposite of everything that man did. 



In a city full of literate historians, not one of them documented the events including the stopping of the sun in the sky. Ummmm.


don't give up on this one too soon









Scott James said...

Puzzle time = The word "Two" is spelled wrong. Should be "Two" instead of "TwQ".

N2prenr said...

Four is spelled with a "V"

Scott James said...

A6: I've actually seen that from the air many times when flying in to Austin. Also - I sent you that picture and a link over 10 years ago right after I saw it for the first time.

A few years ago, when all of central Texas seemed to be on fire, it was miraculously spared the devastation.

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