About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 6, 2020

FRIDAY #4089

One Of My Very Own




I hesitate to even express my opinion on this scourge because I don't know what is true and what is not. Case in point - I wanted to know how long it could live on, say, a doorknob. The best source I found said that they really don't know but estimate between 2 hours and 9 days. Well, that is not information any of us can use.
I found out that the fatalities are mostly old people and smokers are at greater risk - as proven by Chinese data.

This is a truth I think we can all believe: 

Need proof?

Most of the people I know declare confidently: There are "only" 100 cases in the US." I counter with there were only 100 cases in China a couple of months ago and only 100 cases in Japan, Iran, Italy, and South Korea a few weeks ago.

Here are some facts no one can deny:

Mandatory Social Isolation (stay the fuck at home) is a growing tool to combat the spread.

The best advice I got was from the head of the CDC who simply said Plan for the worse, hope for the best. Well, my friends have that second part down pat but haven't done anything to prepare.
And you have to do it smartly.

Yes, we bought a few more rolls than we needed but in Australia, the stores are empty of the stuff.

And don't listen to idiot's advice.

We did buy several big bottles of hand sanitizer but just to scalp.
I bought about double the supply of everything. And that is not wasted money - it just means we won't have to buy it next month.
We have stocked up on some can meats, but no one expects to lose electricity so our freezer full of meat ought to last a long while.
We also got enough meds to make it through a couple of months. 
 We, of course, couldn't find masks, but we are now told we don't need them except if one family member gets ill and needs to protect the other family members.

All of that doesn't mean I can joke about it.


An immunologist said that the virus was mutating all the time because it is not beneficial for it to kill its host. It like killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. Therefore it attempts to reach a delicate balance that exploits the host without killing it.

I wondered then why the plague kills so many and was told that with the plague the host were the rats.





We have no plows, no salt trucks, no chains, not even snow tires, so shut the fuck up.



We put a man on the moon, folks, we can figure this shit out.



I just choose to own no white clothing...problem solved. 







How about we teach our sons to keep their dicks clean?
BTW, I was once in a bar that had the rubber machine in the girl's restroom hooked up to a large flashing light over the door and loud siren when a girl purchased a rubber. It was a hoot.


Ladies, if he's
- always giving you one-word responses
- unsupportive when you're visibly upset
- coming over unannounced in the middle of the night
- faintly tapping at your chamber door

He's not your man. He's the Raven, nothing more.



 Combaring him to Winnie the Pooh is a thing now.
 The resemblence is uncanny.

Embroidery Artist Katerina Marchenko


Quite the shot and quite the catch...


Valentine bread with tomatoes and paisley.


Nice observation.




This Chair for People Who Love To Sit Cross-Legged


Me: It’s the next exit.
Husband: I know! You don’t have to keep telling me. *misses the exit*




This is visual proof that the exterior angles of the side of a polygon always add up to 360 degrees.

Indeed. I assume the inside is coated with something to stymie the degradation from the inside.


In my humble opinion, the greatest photograph that has ever been taken.

3D view of the Big Dipper (Ursa Major)

I didn't believe that, but Google says it is true. 


Me, in my teens: This radio station is playing my jams.
Me, in my 20s: This bar is playing my jams.

Me, in my 30s: This grocery store is playing my jams.




Place your bets!

When I go to England but the taxi driver doesn't want to exchange sexual intercourse for a free ride.




I lost my virginity with him preaching of TV behind me.


A whole lot of police missed roadblock class...


 In case that doesn't load properly:

Place your bets...


Just trying to make a living...

  1. ^^D13^^^


Oil Pump Gear


 Never give up on your dreams. Look at this fine example of a paraplegic man whose dream is to become a quadriplegic man.


Wrong thing to do with Coronavirus out there.






1 comment:

Anonymous said...

South Carolina- where price gouging hand sanitizer is just as ridiculous as supporting Joe Biden

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