About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


One Of My Very Own



Mecca is abandoned...
 The residents of Wuhan have been internally in their apartments for 52 days. (not my phrasing)
Even if COVID-19 is unavoidable, delaying infections can flatten the peak number of illnesses within hospital capacity and significantly reduce deaths.
Here Ming (22) picks up the dinner. It is delivered through the kitchen window.
His father comes with a spray bottle to disinfect the bag before it can be opened.

In my state of South Carolina, my governor refuses to cancel ANY public gatherings.



Harvard online classes...why not permanent to cut down on higher education debt?


If the Coronavirus has taught me anything it's that I fucking LOVE touching my face.



It looks so very...wise.

The description: "Another funny psyop: They send bombers - like Rockwell B-1 Lancer and Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk - right into Soviet Union's space area and just before entering it, make them change direction and come home."
In the 60s we called that a Turkey Shoot. We would fly a whole squadron of planes toward the Russian border to see where their response interceptors would be launched from. And from time to time they did exactly the same thing to us.

The Bomb

As an old nuke guy, I still have an interest in the awesome power.

This is the Tzar Bomba. It is now put on display in a museum.

The Tzar Bomba had a theoretical maximum yield of around 100 megatons. The test-bomb was scaled down to 50 megatons.
This video is an animation, not the real footage.
There are no really good videos of the Tzar Bomba, they are either blurry or cut into 100 different short clips.
Someone made this animation a few years ago, based on the actual footage, so we can see how it would have looked.
The shockwave from this bomb was felt or heard all around the world.
Imagine that - someone explodes a bomb at the opposite side of Earth, and you get to feel the shockwave from it. That is insane!
The shockwave was detected going around the world 3 times! THREE FUCKING TIMES!

After that incident, the Soviet engineers decided to disarm the full-scale bomb.
This was supposed to be an attempt to photograph the event, but the extreme light ruined it.
[verification needed] 

The Cannikin shot tested a huge warhead the Pentagon planned to fit a controversial anti-ballistic missile system.
This also discusses plans to use nukes in massive construction projects. 

I didn't know that they placed live pigs close to the blasts to see what would happen.

A baby can swim before it can walk.
This is in part due to a phenomenon called the mammalian dive reflex. When a human (or other vertebrates) becomes submerged their heart rate slows, they stop breathing, and their blood pressure increases all automatically. 


Hey, I have an idea...

Watch carefully...

Did you notice the blinking face?

Looks like Batman.

Rather unique tip-up a guy discovered that once belonged to his great grandfather.
Now that is an heirloom.

11 Antiquated “P” Words From the American Slang Dictionary
1. Pad the hoof: “To tramp about. Orig. hobo use.”
2. Pang-wangle: “To live or go along cheerfully in spite of minor misfortunes.”
3. Paper-belly: “A person unable to drink liquor straight, or one who grimaces after drinking.”
4. Peter Funk: “An auctioneer’s accomplice who poses as a buyer in order to stimulate bidding or to ‘buy’ items on which the final bid from a genuine customer has not been high enough. Auction use.”
5. Pie card: “A union membership card, specif., as shown to a stranger who is a union member in order to borrow money, obtain food and lodging, or the like. Hobo use c1925.”
6. Pig between two sheets: “A ham sandwich. Some lunch-counter use c1925”
7. Pine overcoat: “A coffin, esp. a cheap one.”
8. Possum Belly: “An extra storage compartment under a railroad car. Hobo lingo.”
9. Pretzel-bender: “1. A peculiar person; an eccentric; one who thinks in a round-about manner. 2. A player of the French horn. Musician use. Not common. 3. A wrestler. 4. A heavy drinker; one who frequents bars.”
10. Prushun or Prushon: “A boy tramp who begs for a mature tramp. Obscurely from “Prussian.”
11. Puka: “1. Any small, private place, such as a pigeonhole in a desk, a safe, a purse, a small suitcase, or the like. 2. [taboo] The female genitals. Both meanings WWII USN use in the Pacific. ”


It's been 6 months since I joined the gym and no progress. I'm going there in person tomorrow to see what the problem is.




Coremaga Copening had the case dismissed...after months. 






Just a reminder that Civil Asset Forfeiture is Literally Theft
Berkeley Police office forcibly taking the cash from a hotdog vendor's wallet.


Mixed race offspring are beautiful.


As a former member of the Leopards Eating People's Faces party until it became extremist, I can tell you that the Let's Not Eat Anyone's Face party will get nowhere unless it elects a candidate who wants leopards to eat *some* people's faces.







Of all the places he could have practiced that he chose mere inches from the TV. Go figure.





The Hair Apparent

People spend a lot of time trying to get their hair to look as good as possible.
If your hair's not right, you're not right.

But this section is about idiots, so...


This lady is not an idiot.

She's a nurse who had to shave her head...then forgot.

 [5 yr old grandson watching me exercise]
Why are you doing that?
Me: So I can stay strong and healthy.

Niece: *observing me shake, sweat, gasp for air* That does not look healthy.




Me when a viewer tells me they really liked one of my blogs...


I have no idea what's going on here.
But someone made it funny.

And of course, I do what I do best.










I need a true believer to explain the Holy Ghost to me in a simple to understand plain English. Seriously, give it a shot.

 And that's why you wear a helmet.








NOTE: I'm running out of quality puzzles. Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

David said...

Puzzle time

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