About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


One Of My Very Own


These were some of the measures taken during the Spanish Flu.


 Gas Prices

UPDATE: I didn't do shit all day in my day one of isolation. But I plan to get busy tomorrow. 
I'm attempting to buy an oxygen concentrator. If you don't understand why that is needed then you need to research it.

This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen...so funny it couldn't wait to come out in normal rotation.

Sound on! And background noise off!



The only pictures taken on Venus.
The Russian Venera 13 took these photos. It lasted 127 minutes before dying due to harsh conditions.
RH: It still leaves me in awe.

I wouldn't get anything done if I had that in my hand.

Many commenters didn't believe it because the above pics didn't show the drone. Then I found a gif of just that.
Many asked why but I ask why not? 

Another praise of the flying buttresses.
 They make it possible to have a huge building with hardly any walls making this possible.

Let's just hope this catches on in every state. 


A long, long time ago, the Indigenous Gunditjmara people – the traditional owners of lands in southwest Victoria, Australia – are said to have witnessed something truly remarkable.
An ancient oral tradition passed down for countless generations, tells of how an ancestral creator-being transformed into the fiery volcano, Budj Bim. Almost 40,000 years later, new scientific evidence suggests this long-shared legend of the Dreaming could be much more than a myth.


James King was mistaken for a suspect by a joint Federal/State task force of local officers and FBI in Grand Rapids, MI in 2014.

The guy that they had mistaken him for was suspected of stealing a box of empty bottles and cans from his boss. The officers confronted James but never identified themselves.  After trying to ask him questions, they reached for his wallet themselves.  Thinking he was being robbed, he fought back and tried to run.  As a result, he was severely beaten.  Calling out for help, a passerby called 9-1-1 for him in a bid to save his life.  When uniformed officers arrived, not only did they not assist James, they immediately started covering it up including demanding people delete cell phone videos and images.
Despite being in the wrong, James was still charged with 3 felonies related to assaulting offers and resisting arrest (despite them, again, never identifying themselves.)  The jury acquitted him and he filed a lawsuit.  It's been over 6 years, and he is still seeking justice.  His case has been argued in every level of court and is now going before the Supreme Court to allow him to seek his own justice in the case.
You see, despite being everything involving the state of Michigan, the inclusion of FBI officers allows the task force to invoke something called 'Qualified Immunity', among a number of other defenses they have mounted.  Essentially, under qualified immunity, officers can violate the Constitution unless previous court rulings have explicitly prohibited that exact action by the police.  This only works because the FBI agents were involved.
Officers have hard jobs.  Mistakes happen, even in the best of circumstances (which this absolutely is not), but they shouldn't be allowed to hide behind a faulty system when this type of stuff occurs.




If Pinocchio said his nose grows when he speaks the truth, everyone would believe him even though he's lying.




Yes, it looks great, but I like mine cooked to the point that it is bendable and that one looks a little stiff.

Korean artist Joongwon Jeong gives new life to old paintings and photos, turning them into hyperrealistic portraits.

Get down on your dog's level to photography it.
This is much better...
 ...than looking down on it.

This is good.

This is not.



And that shape could be anything - a knife, a hinge, a doorknob, etc. Imagine the first man who discovered the technique. 


Someone was cheated on. He brought all of her shoes to work.

The bitch has the taste of Peg Bundy.

I don't know what this is.

But it reminds me of Stargate.

There was a flood in Denmark and a guy posted this on social media.

That took me a moment to understand because the last thing you would expect to be caught in a mousetrap is a fish.


There is no American value that someone can’t turn into a car ad.



Princess Grace of Monaco
 Just absurdly beautiful.

I once had a bartender named Emilee who resembles her.

 Brother: Hey Sis, let's kiss for the prank video.
Sister: Well, if you incest.

When a customer says “The price didn’t show up so it must be free.”

This sleazeball's movies include: 
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
The English Patient
Jackie Brown
Good Will Hunting
Cold Mountain
Kill Bill: Volume 1
Kill Bill: Volume 2
Inglourious Basterds
The King's Speech
Django Unchained

Yasmine Bleeth looks dramatically different from ‘Baywatch’ days.
 If I had to spend my 20s working out & forgoing anything delicious so I could look a very particular way in a very small red bathing suit, I would 100% spend the rest of my life enjoying myself in sweats. Good for you, Yasmine, I hope you're incredibly happy & have piles of money.
I can remember watching many reruns of her.


[verification needed]

This was the title:
"a-ha’s ‘Take On Me’ Hits One Billion Views on YouTube"

I felt I had to see it. It was rather entertaining.


I haven't a clue and apparently, neither does the clerk. 



All things Ralph

I find it interesting that the method of execution is the symbol of a whole religion. What if they had just hung him?

He was Catholic and a Boy Scout and DIDN’T get molested:

Oh, my.


[Cranking up the heat on my slow cooker] 
Me: Slow cook it faster.



That's what it's like voting Democratic in a state like South Carolina.

Pastor "Dies" and Is Only Resurrected If She Receives Enough Offerings Dropped On Her "Corpse".

Is there any limit to the gullibility of the masses?

I'll take that as a no - there is no limit.

The guy who posted this didn't know that rabbits could swim very well...

I was reminded of the time President Carter was "attacked" by a swimming rabbit - on camera.

The rabbit was victorious.

We have all seen planes landing on highways...
 But that one was attempting to take off.

Note the guy who got thrown INTO the truck.

Gravity #1

Gravity #2


Gravity #3










1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So many good and interesting things in today's post.
Thank you!
PS: The T on a necklace made me spit out my coffee. I need to get one. :)

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