About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


One Of My Very Own


 Man, this sure is an elaborate conspiracy to ruin Trump’s presidency. They started writing articles about it two years ago!! 

Why isn't Korea shown?

And America's response?

 Go ahead and remind me how the US has the greatest healthcare system in the world.


I'm not so sure...


His name was Ren Zhiqiang. His nickname in China was “The Cannon,” and Ren Zhiqiang’s latest commentary was among his most explosive yet. Mr. Ren, an outspoken property tycoon in Beijing, wrote in a scathing essay that China’s leader, Xi Jinping, was a power-hungry “clown.” He said the ruling Communist Party’s strict limits on free speech had exacerbated the coronavirus epidemic. Now Mr. Ren, one of the most prominent critics of Mr. Xi in mainland China, is missing.

Our weed guy made a delivery wearing gloves, so we have that going for us.
We spent an hour on the porch wiping down our early morning purchased grocery supply.
We are both feeling fine and are well stocked. My biggest disappointment is my total lack of motivation to get anything done in my studio. I'm going to chalk that up to being distracted.
We have gotten dozens of calls from friends and neighbors to see if we need anything. That's very comforting.
Tomorrow I am going to call my bar and tell them the Bank of Ralph is open if any of my old servers need any cash.
One of my duties while teaching in public schools was to supervise free breakfast for poor children. Then I learned that a child is eligible for free food if their parent(s) are on food stamps. Think about that. We buy the child's food but the parents won't feed it to them by way of a bowl of cereal for breakfast (what is served at school) or a brown bag lunch like most of the other kids.
Spring Allergies are making everyone like me think they have the Covid19.

Stay safe, my friends.



As a retired classroom teacher, I agree.

And there are those among us who STILL don't get it.





They knew exactly what they were doing.

I have a relative who does that to me because through hundreds of encounters I KNOW she is going say or do something to piss me off. 



They consider password sharing piracy. 


She must be very proud.





There is nothing more important to me than the large family that I pretend to have when I order takeout over the phone.



These from an alarmist.

My belief that he is a chronic pessimist doesn't mean there aren't issued that need to be addressed and addressed often.

This from Europe.
The citizens of all other advanced countries stood up and demanded that their healthcare needs to be the responsibility of the state.
In America, we think that will begin our long slow slide into a totalitarian Communist state that will enslave us all.

Let's look at it another way.
The country's greatest asset is the citizenry.
The citizens' greatest asset is their health.
A culture's greatest asset is a highly educated populace.

We pay for a fire department to protect our property.
We pay the police to protect our safety.
We pay an army to protect us from foreign threats.
We should pay to protect our citizens' health also.



This guy was looking over my shoulder while I was texting so I texted "I hope this guy next to me doesn't catch what I have."



Betelgeuse, the orange star off the shoulder of Orion and home to Zaphod Beeblebrox, has been acting rather odd lately, going from the 11th brightest star in the sky to the 22nd, obviously more dim to the naked eye.
Betelgeuse update: the dimming is over, it's starting to get brighter! 

 The protests have abated but only slightly.

That is a stretch. 

A Fugitive Task Force for a meal and $35?!?! If you see him, forget about calling the cops give the poor man a little money. 
The real Ed Sheeran. 
The resemblance is uncanny. 


People have been claiming they put frozen potatoes in your ass to cures hemorrhoids.

Strange Helmets Of Medieval Europe
I would want the one with the handlebar mustache. 

[verification needed]

1967: Kathrine Switzer was the first woman to run the Boston marathon. After realizing a woman was running, organizer Jock Semple went after her to stop her. However, Switzer's boyfriend and other runners provided protection.
She ran it in 4:20
Another embarrassing example of the philosophy of "We've always done it that way."
But that guy up front sure is having a good ol’ time 


I never expected to ever read a sentence with these words arranged in this order.
SPOILER: She only got 5 months in prison for U.S. college admissions scam. 


 All dogs are therapy dogs. The majority of them are just freelancing.



"Not one person in this footage is alive anymore. But here they are, alive, living out their plans and goals. Before the World War, before air travel. no cell phones. Not even fathoming the thought of being observed by someone on Folio Olio 120 years later." 



 How do you learn that you can do that painlessly?






True friends show up during the middle of a bad date, dressed like a police officer and pretend to arrest you for murdering 7 other girls after the first date.



"Get me my brown trousers."
- Men on lower crane probably

I wonder if there is air being blown up the hole.

Is that a suicide net? Well, it ain't worth a shit.


Wild boar on the run...
 Now think about that vicious little bastard running into your child.


Why is there a hole that deep in or near a road with standing water?
Sinkhole maybe? 


Yeah, I thought he was going to fuck up big time so, of course, I wanted it to trick you also.
And you know what it reminded me of...

 The greatest movie ever made by mere mortals - Tucker and Dale vs Evil.







Sound a must




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