About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


One Of My Very Own




I don't like sharing stories like that because there are so many things that can still go wrong with it. But we can hope.

There are finally more test kits than ever.

And Trump appears to have stopped lying to us.


We may not find out who all the bad guys are but we will surely find out who the good guys are. 


People find a way to do what needs to be done.
Here a kid "visits" his Grandpa.

She's telling her Grandpa she got engaged.



And people still haven't lost their sense of humor...
You gotta hear this.


Yeah, you did. I just heard the head of the CDC say that there is no scientific evidence that removing a beard was the least bit advantageous.
But why in the midst of this crisis do people still feel the need to spread disinformation?

We doubled our normal purchase so we would not have to get out of our house as often - minimizing our exposure. But we refuse to hoard.

Businesses yes. Citizens no. That's my fear.

This policy only applies to businesses, NOT the citizens of France. 
Well, fuck!

Millions would do just that.


Fuck the Pity Party Bullshit!

But we are Americans and it's time we started acting like it.
We've done it before.

Man up people. This is not about inconvenience - it's about survival of millions.

Crowded beaches in Florida as people ignore COVID-19 social distancing.

And how important is social distancing?
The perfect segue...


Why outbreaks like Coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to “flatten the curve”. A disease outbreak simulation.


  I'll take door number four, Alex, for my life.

The only things I miss is having someone else make my lunch and the daily bets I used to make at my bar.

A couple of ways to look at it...




A true national treasure.



When I used to go to the VA, my primary caregiver got her bachelor's degree from Greenville Tech and her masters online. Her subjects and verb tenses ofter did not agree. 

British MP, Alistair Carmichael, urged to support a new bill to give Hong Kong citizens the right to live in the UK.
A fascinating proposal.



"Price check on aisle three."

All voting days for president ought to be national holidays. 

Dam, girl. What did you think I was building?

- Beaver



I guess I've seen a person hug a turkey but I've never seen a turkey hug a person.

The Asian Hornet: Death from above.

 Notice the look on her face and how she and the puppet back away.

One of, if not the greatest defensive strategies foiled by sheer speed.

Triceratops (left) and elephant (right) femurs with a human for scale.

 "Here's looking at you, kid."

Is that all that's left of the nurse it ate?!?!

Dog swims out into the harbor to meet his favorite ocean friend.
These interspecies friendships warm my soul. 

Secret handshake with my pet chupacabra.
A chupacabra is a mythical creature sort of like a canine Yeti.

The peregrine falcon is nature's fighter jet. Watch as it pulls back on this pelicans head in mid-air and forces its neck into an impossible position, causing a crash landing, and a fine dinner on the water. 

This is a classic.
 I think this is great!


A Kangal dog guarding its flock of sheep.
 I was concerned about the term "Kangal dog" in the title I found online so I Googled it.

Now go back and check out the collar to keep it from having its throat ripped open.



The perfect segue to the next section.

My search history at 40:
-best countries to hike
-how much tequila is lethal
-Lamborghinis on sale

My search history at 70:
-what does a stroke feel like
-how much ibuprofen is lethal

-most nutritious squirrel food



Remember the shark?


Now he's just showing off.

The look on his face says, "You are going to put that on the internet aren't you?"


I think he's done this before.

I usually never post skateboarders unless something goes wrong...

...but this guy is amazing.

Again I ask - How do you discover that you can do that? 


St. Mirren WFC Captain dislocates her knee cap and “hammers it back in place” and continues playing for 90 mins!

Here's how men play the game...

And they do things like this without embarrassment...

They even make jokes about their silly sissy antics.
I find it embarrassing. 


As I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, I pooped my pants a little bit. Not gonna lie.



What a time to be alive.

Raindrops fall off a high-density netting over an apple orchard.

That is one big ass net or is there something I'm missing?

The sinking of the Titanic changed the way passenger ships were designed.
 Many existing ships, such as the Olympic, were refitted for increased safety.
Besides increasing the number of lifeboats on board, improvements included reinforcing the hull and increasing the height of the watertight bulkheads.
The bulkheads on Titanic extended 10 feet (3 m) above the waterline; after Titanic sank, the bulkheads on other ships were extended higher to make compartments fully watertight.
While Titanic had a double bottom, she did not have a double hull; after her sinking, new ships were designed with double hulls; also, the double bottoms of other ships (including the Olympic) were extended up the sides of their hulls, above their waterlines, to give them double hulls.
Here work in progress with riveters fitting the watertight inner shell.


Brilliant Business Cards


Aerial Photography

And then there's this one.

It looks like a painting complete with visible brush strokes.

3 days and 8,548 pieces

NOTE: Most of the GIFs I post are about 2 or 3 MB. The guy had a GIF of his wheel rotating and it was 40MB! It would have taken me a week to upload it to Blogger. My question is: Why?

This has confused a whole bunch of people.
Half of the people think it's a remote control car and that an enormous tire tread rut caused it to crash. The other half thinks it's a real vehicle. My jury is still out.
I would love to hear your opinion but remember to include the number of the image.

Speaking of...
A British soldier hiding from the rain under an overturned Tiger tank. Italy, 1944.

My biggest concern would be if it could stand back up when it falls over. I'm betting it can.



 We need to be reminded of that young woman from time to time.







Try to identify the movies and for a bonus, their character's name in it.


Wrekreation said...

D8 - Radio control. If it was a real jeep, the radiator hoses would be showing and water pumping out.

Anonymous said...

Your comment about spreading disinformation was hilarious and absurdly ironic.

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