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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


You know how you get angry at the handful of people who hoard all the toilet paper during the pandemic? Well, for the same reason I get angry at the handful of people who hoard all the fucking money in the country every fucking day.


Doctors in Spain celebrate as the first COVID19 patient on intensive care intubation is removed.
Tips for anyone sewing face masks
This will walk you through it step by step with photos. 
The Mask Force is a resource for manufacturing DIY emergency PPE supplies—mainly masks. How many do we need? Millions of masks! Join the distributed assembly line. Here's how:
When you are living and working in the same place for days on end, work can have a way of taking over everything if you let it. Living in space, I deliberately paced myself because I knew I was in it for the long haul — just like we all are today. Take time for fun activities: I met up with crewmates for movie nights, complete with snacks, and binge-watched all of “Game of Thrones” — twice.

The article he wrote:


This was Southern California today. People are STILL not taking this seriously. This boggles my mind.
Here's what passes for logic: 
The landlord DOES NOT want me on the jury settling this case.
This guy was arrested for stealing thousands of N95 masks.
You won't believe this shit.
If ever there was someone who should work from home...


Ron Paul wrote an article about "The Coronavirus Hoax" 6 days before his son Rand Paul confirmed he was infected.



 Social distancing, Social isolation, Quarantine, Hunker down or shelter in place, etc is just confusing.
Just come up with a term that works for everyone.
[ The next day ]
Well, I'm not the only one.
The World Health Organization is officially advocating against the phrase "social distancing" and is from here on recommending the phrase "physical distancing" instead. The idea is to clarify that an order to stay at home during the current coronavirus outbreak isn't about breaking contact with your friends and family — but rather keeping a physical distance to make sure the disease doesn't spread.

Most places are stopping testing, I thought it was because if you come back positive they will just tell you to go home and wait. 
But also all those testers use up gloves and masks.
I fear catestrophic.
He just used their last full isolation kit.
"I still have 4 good masks left, 2 small bottles of hand sanitizer, and going to need to wash and reuse the glasses. As for protecting my clothes, we are going to use plastic cafeteria aprons. People keep approaching the ambulance asking for masks and gloves. They get upset and curse me out when I say no. Had garbaged thrown at us because we said no."


What an exposed man and his family are going through. 
 What he is doing to keep his family safe. My wife works at a hospital as well and removes all clothes and takes a shower immediately. Stay safe everyone!
Sometimes it's not about winning. It's about adding a page to the rulebook.



Make a dog Olympics...
Here's how he did it:
 Look around for health packs and ammo, sometimes they're a little tricky to find.
Elisha Nochomovitz ran a marathon on his seven-meter balcony during the lockdown in France. It took him six hours and 48 minutes.
His first visit with grandson.
When Jennifer forgets that a telephone call is not the same as a video call. She's on the far left with pink top...
The reaction of the woman bottom right.


 A future monument to the 2020 Pandemic
President of Slovakia showing up in her impeccably matching corona get up...

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