About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 17, 2020

FRIDAY #4131

One Of My Very Own






Very appropriate All Things Ralph...





Put me in the game, coach.

Wake up fuckers, it's Friday and I want my thanks.

- God



A termite road (above) and an ants road (below), both protected by a row of their soldiers in a confrontation without fighting.


What spooking the horses?
  This is so much better with sound:

Bear doing its civic duty...

They think we are exterminated.

Those things are lethal!



If cats looked like frogs we would realize what nasty cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.




A guy took a picture of our star this afternoon while a Coronal Mass Ejection was happening. Zoom into the area above the sun.

 Just don't drop the controls.

So many questions.
It looks only wide enough for one person. 
And it appears to go down but one floor. 

It looks like the statue is being shipped away. 

Get ready Hungarians...


I present you a Sandfall...again...

Perfect, indeed. 



Do you think the top part of a mermaid also tastes like fish or is it actually red meat? If it is read meat, is there a solid line where the meat changes or would it just fade from one to another? Specifically, could I make a surf and turf platter with one mermaid carcass?



Reversed gifs are better...and more funnier...

 My favorite...


Notice his son banging the wrenches together. 


Remember this?
I find it fucking hilarious. 





I knew a couple who told their children that steak was liver and liver was steak.
Here is liver and onions.
 Here is a ribeye and onions.
Hard to tell the difference, isn't it?
That reminded me of this old gag.


This skull air intake

I can almost smell the driver's mullet.

The kid already has one baseball. Jeez.

Legend at the bus stop lights his joint with a magnifying glass.



 Wasp removal.








Scott James said...

Puzzle Time: if there were only one 8, I would say the answer is triangulate. Since there are two I am going to guess the answer is triangulates.

Steve said...

Puzzle: Triangulates

Scott James said...

Puzzzle time :Just came to me. Its a black Delta 88 with a red interior

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