About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 2, 2020




How some cities ‘flattened the curve’ during the 1918 flu pandemic.


Amazon delivery man contaminating the package on purpose.
 He spit in his hand then rubbed it on the box.
Ukraine, Boryspil International Airport.
 People returning from Vietnam refuse to go in quarantine and just crash through barricades (March 29).
 Then proceed to awaiting cars to go home.


Ask and you will receive.
"Philanthropic" billionaires 
This is a thank you to first responders and medical staff. 
And a reminder that we are in a real emergency.
An unusually large herd of deer run through Housing development in Frederick, Maryland. A herd usually consists of 4-6 individuals. This is one of many stories about how mass shelter in place policies are changing animal behavior. Birds are noticeably louder and chatter in urban areas. Foxes are invading cities and metro stations. Same with the coyote. Nature isn’t good or evil. It’s not for or against us. But god damn it would have no problem taking everything back. 

Every city should end all parking meters and make parking garages free so fewer essential workers have to take the contaminated buses or subways. 


You really need to listen to this:
It's part of a series of documentaries.

A loyal reader sent me this:

Tiger King is a 7 part series on Netflix. Must watch
Another this:
Tiger guy...

Netflix, "Tiger King". Its some fucked up shit. but entertaining.
Anything is better than nothing I suppose.
Just like the dog try it.
 Promises he will come back to her.
 Who would have ever thought that these words in this order would one day make perfect sense?
The fucker Googled it and got it wrong anyway! 
Yeah, I need that.



The wife and I take a drive every couple of days. I made a sign to show my disdain for people ignoring the isolation orders.
By the way, my beard stopped somewhere between homeless guy and hermit but nowhere near wizard length.
Some people handle their essential worker status worse than others...


Fuck with the cat some more...
You could - just maybe - lose that weight you have been meaning to lose...


Anonymous said...

“The wife and I take a drive every couple of days. I made a sign to show my disdain for people ignoring the isolation orders.”

Do you not see the irony here? You are ignoring the isolation orders by going out to “take a drive.”

What happens when you get gas? Or have an accident? YOU are the very people they’re talking about when they say STAY THE FUCK HOME.

Or maybe, hopefully, you’re just joking and I almost missed it?

Ralph Henry said...

I drive an electric golf cart with doors and I not only don't get out of the cart plus I don't even drive near anyone.
People are encouraged to walk or jog for exercise but to still maintain social distancing.
I hope that clears things up.

Anonymous said...

You are in an at risk group. You are not exercising. Why do you think “stay at home” applies to everyone but you?

Seriously losing respect for you, my friend. Think about it.

Ralph Henry said...

So, you are telling me I'm not allowed to take a short drive in a closed vehicle?

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