About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


One Of My Very Own





I've never seen a square sinkhole. 

Does this look comfortable to you?
 And we all know that the first thing women do when they get home is to moan while they remove their high heels and then massage their feet.

Smart lady. 

That thing must be cutting a half-mile wide swathe.

Back in September, a Hyundai Glovis cargo ship capsized off the coast of Georgia. The 665-foot ship, called the Golden Ray, tipped over in St. Simons Sound, Georgia but fortunately, every crew member was rescued.

The ship was holding around 4,000 US-made automobiles that are now quite waterlogged. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources and other organizations are orchestrating environmental protection measures and disassembling the vessel to remove it in pieces via barge. This week, the St. Simons Sound Incident Response Unified Company will begin constructing an "environmental protection barrier" that includes "large floating containment barrier to help contain surface pollutants, as well as large netting to contain subsurface debris."

Even good guys get arrested.
 I got thrown in jail for yelling "Get out of the goddamn way" at a cop in an unmarked police car who was blocking the intersection.


Aren't we all?

At first, I thought the pickup disintegrated...

  Then I realized it was the load in the bed of the truck.


If snails are so slow, how come nobody sees them coming? It’s always like bam, there’s a snail.



What about the electromagnetic pulse?

Just something else to worry about. 

The internet's favorite warplane. 

GTA golf
That does look like fun. 

That's a big bomb. I wonder how the cameraman knew exactly where it was going to explode. 

Air Burst Nuke? 

Lieutenant Commander Donald D. Sheppard, of Coronado, California, aims a flaming arrow at a bamboo hut concealing a fortified Viet Cong bunker on the banks of the Bassac River, South Vietnam, on December 8, 1967.

I'm assuming the confetti cannon went boom. 

Just a warning if you're buying a watch on Amazon. I learned the hard way that if it says you can swim with it, this only applies if you can already swim without it.



Good boy testing his brakes.

At first I thought it was an art installation.
It's an illuminated raised path through the forrest.
But we can call it art nonetheless.

Are these things just born assholes?


Cotton candy reacting to water.

Dolphins fascinated by a pair of visiting squirrels.

My wife's Rolex stopped keeping accurate time.

She couldn't find anyone who could fix it so for
$39 she bought an electric winder that moves it all night. I asked why she didn't just find a friend with the restless-leg syndrome and have them strap it to their ankle at night.


*At Super Bowl Party*
Hey baby, they've got a WHOLE bunch of shrimp here, did you bring the big purse?



Demon Rum?

Real-world FIFA glitching



Riding through an abandoned mall

Can I assume it's as simple as him having his shirt on backward? 

She looks confused.

Captain America's stunt double doing the signature backflip.

Some people will probably say this is not real.

Demon Rum for sure. 




Demon Rum? 








Anonymous said...

4 water melons

Anonymous said...

Six, assuming two of them were cut in half. (You meant how many are in the picture, right?)

Larry said...

Noticed the dollar sign before the blog number , significance?

David said...

Puzzle time =5 watermelons
It's easier if you convert to fractions
(4 x .75)+(4 x .50)=5

Ralph Henry said...

They are right next to each other on the keyboard. Typo

Anonymous said...

Indeed 5

Anonymous said...

I disagree. There are 6 watermelons. You cant take that picture without 6 watermelons.
Had the question been phrased to say, "how many whole watermelons can you make", then I would agree that the answer is indeed 5.

Sorry, but it looks like you fell into that 99% group.

Best regards,
Cocky Prick

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I thought 6.
Thanks for taking my mind off of all this virus stuff.

Conrad said...

Re: B3; yes!

Anonymous said...

With that line of thinking, why just 6? Who’s to say it wasn’t taken with 8? If the question were to say “how many watermelons did it take (minimum) to make this picture?” Then yes id agree with you, 6.

Sorry, looks like you fell into that 99% group as well.

Best regards,

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