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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 3, 2020



A doctor explained why most flu is seasonal. UV is the flu's worst enemy and, of course, on sunny days there is more UV. It doesn't kill the virus inside you, but it does kill the virus on millions of surfaces so you don't contact it.
The 2nd densest population center in the U.S. is seeing a flatter curve after two weeks of social isolation.


What the fuck is the matter with you people?
But wait...there more...
 “He allegedly made statements to a CHP officer that included "You only get this chance once. The whole world is watching. I had to. People don't know what's going on here. Now they will." “ 
Oh, fuck, there is no end...
What doctors and health workers in India have to deal with!
You won't believe this shit!
This is one person attempt to explain what happened:
India is under lockdown for the last 10 days. Hoping social distance will reduce Covid-19 cases. It went well until a few days back. There is a mass gathering of Muslims every year, called Tablighi Jamat. In this gathering, thousands of Muslims from all over India attend. In this gathering, some Muslims from other countries like Indonesia and Iran attended the gathering. They came to India on a tourist visa. Just consider how was the covid situation in Iran & Indonesia a few days back. These foreigners violated the visa rules also affected others. The infected Indian Muslims then later went to their native places. In the last two days, Covid-19 cases raised exponentially. Now the Indian government wants to put the attendants of the mass gathering under home quarantine and wants to test them. Now, these Muslims don't want to take the test and don't want to home quarantine. They are attacking the health workers who came to test them.
I take no pleasure in quoting our president, but somebody has to remind people that this man is not very smart.

Item #1
From just yesterday:

No, sir, YOU were the only one who did not know this. I knew it, MY WIFE knew it, MY BARTENDER knew it in FEBRUARY!

Item #2
I just heard him (Thursday night) carefully and slowly yet clumsily pronounce "Cooo-viiid-one-nine, then spelled it out and pronounced it badly again, then asked all the reporters if they had heard of it. He added that it was the cause of all of this and gave every indication that he had just heard of it that very day.

What conclusion do you draw from those two exchanges?


Belgian woman, Suzanne Hoylaerts aged 90, dies of #Covid_19 after refusing a respirator, telling her doctors "Save it for the youngest [who need it most], I've already had a beautiful life." 
If I get sick when there are limited ventilators I will do the exact same thing. 
An ambulance caravan is on its way to New York to help out with the Coronavirus outbreak.
Thailand hires terminator as a STAYTHEFUCKATHOME enforcement cop.
Good guy landlord...
 I did the same thing for my tenant.
The true heroes...



This is the same Xi who lies to the world during a pandemic.

How many times can we have a president tell us that we have all the equipment we need and he is doing a great job before we march on the White House?

As President of the USA, Harry Truman kept a sign on his desk reading, "The Buck Stops Here." It was a call to the principle that a leader bears the ultimate responsibility for the success or failure of the institution.



Governor Andrew Cuomo has pierced nipples.
 [verification needed]
Wait for it...
 Anything is better than nothing.
The church fighting coronavirus, star wars edition.
 Did you notice the difference?
 Too late...


 Tile you sink...
Learn a new skill...


 You won't believe what this kid has taught himself to do during STAYTHEFUCKATHOME.

Become an "Object Arranger" like Adam Hillman...

 Fuck with your pets...



"I know a snack when I hear one."
Work on your social isolation techniques...
Social Distancing drinking games in the wild.
Get to know your local fauna...
Play bar tricks...
Help in the kitchen...

Learn body art...
Carve fruit...
 Veg out...
 Creative photography...
Experiment with recipes...
Stay in fucking bed all day. There no law or anything.
Practice this in front of a mirror then amaze the kids.
Visit lesser seen areas of your city...

And yesterday was New York Times' Sunday crossword in a local newspaper. I love them and really look forward to them.
We are eating well. We feel well. We have plenty of everything we need.
My daughter who works in a hospital came in contact with someone who tested positive and was told to go into total isolation for two weeks.
Stay safe, Gentle Reader. Stay safe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for making my day brighter.

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