About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, July 27, 2020


For unknown reasons, at exactly 8am yesterday I got 1244 views from Germany. Anybody know whats going on?




America in a nutshell right now.

This is what passes as ration thought in America today. 




 That is exactly how no-maskers should be served.

Have we collectively lost our fucking minds?

A simple test involving trying to blow out a candle directly in front of the wearer could be tried. 



 He's such a good doctor that he didn't want anyone to catch anything.




Are we winning yet?

That's very, very bad news.


 Need a laugh?

Shame on the NBA. 





What's wrong with you conservatives? A few years ago the shit Trump is pulling would have sent you guys into a rage. Just be honest with yourself and stand for the principals you espouse.









Trump "respecting" the national anthem.





We have begun to get take out from drive-thrus. Still not ready to enter a store. I pay and take the bag into the car with a mask. We drive to the river to park then I tear the packaging open without touching the food. The wife lifts the food (sandwiches) from the wrapping and places them on a clean napkin. I then wad up all the packaging and put it in a five-gallon bucket behind the front seats. Then I sanitize my hands and we eat. When I get home I sanitize my hands again.

Let me know how you are dealing with this.

Stay safe and stay home...unless you really need a barbecue sandwich, of course.


Anonymous said...

You forgot the halo over Obama's head. BTW, just what exactly did he win the Nobel for? Getting elected?

Anonymous said...

So you think the sandwich packaging may be contaminated but sure that the sandwich is ok. Do I have that right?

Anonymous said...

I dont understand the one with the pills. The number indicates it is Roxicet (oxy and tylenol)

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from someone who posts articles from such a reputable website as raw/story.com And the New York Times as gospel truth
Too bad Trump couldn’t decertify the teachers union like Reagan did with the air traffic controller’s Union

Anonymous said...

The Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge started on January 2, 2016 while Barack Obama was still president. Donald J Trump wasn’t sworn As the 45th president of the United States until January 20th, he had the issue resolved shortly after taking office.

Ralph Henry said...

Pills are a meme format. Actual pills insignificant.

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