One Of My Very Own

^^A 1-12^^


Regardless of your political views, we should all see that the success of New Zealand should be a lesson to us all. They weren’t tied up in politics and stayed locked down until the infected numbers were under control and followed the best guidance by science. They have done an amazing job ridding this scourge. To my fellow Americans, we have really failed to follow just basic health practices and have continued our needless suffering and have pretty much ensured this will never go away.
The first photo was taken 40 years ago.
Those are not the same shirts, but that would be terribly petty to point that out.
One time at my daughter’s 4-year checkup, the doctor said she should be eating a varied diet and to make sure she’s eating a good amount from each food group and I think she said a bit about trying new foods but not sure cause I got distracted wondering if she’d ever actually met a 4yo.

But everybody is not that lucky...
I heard one time that you can't blame the shark anymore than you can blame us if a rotisserie chicken wandered through our living room.
Domino's Australia
^^B2^^The funniest scene in all filmdom...
First time campers are great this time of the year...
"Hey Doc, we have to go back!"
Purgatory, Depressing Paintings by Matt Bollinger



I don't get it. Anybody?

Let me know how that works out for you.
Chicken Kiev
The only way I will eat chicken breast.^^D1^^
I want more of this all over the world.
The Fish with a Face
Plasma Cannon
Supercar del 2050 a Milano
Castel del Monte, Apulia, Italy
It was built in 1240. But how do you inflict injury upon the attackers? There aren't any portals from which to shoot.^^D8^^
Laser scar removal before and after pictures...

What the fuck kind of machinery must he have become entangled?!?

It occurred to me that with enough skill and careful measurement the pyramid stones wouldn't have to be dressed very much.

Please don't touch it.
There is a place on Earth where these beauties run wild.
This is the last entry. Take the time to watch it carefully. I learned a lot.
[verification needed]
Face Plant #1
There are people who actually believe that.
Face Plant #2
C5 - I'm surprised. As a self-proclaimed militant anti-theist, and gambler, you aren't on-board with changing the name of the San Diego Padres? P.S. Nice collection of Positive stories today.
puzzle time...
history keeps repeating itself?
Not so fast on New Zealand's "success".
You cannot determine which policy is best until the end of the epidemic.Some policies just delay outcomes.
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