About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, September 24, 2020


One Of My Very Own








Unneeded quotation marks once got much more attention. 





So a baby crawls across the floor to its bottle and it’s cute but when I do it I’m “in need of intervention”?

Don't do this







The stunning photograph was taken while the baby was still in the womb.

I am filled with awe.

 Warwick Davis and son Harrison in The Rise of Skywalker

The future of robotic limbs is mind control - awesome technology.

I have posted many items concerning such things. I find them extraordinary developments.

A guy found a 200-year-old colonial coin in a roll of nickels.
I'm thinking somebody had their coin collection stolen and the thieves didn't know what they had.


Call me naive but I have no idea how someone makes money from a meme.


This year is like when you accidentally touch wet cat food.



Many years ago a vet got a call from a lady whose dogs were hooked up like that and she wanted to know how to separate them. The vet told her to smack them on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper. She said she had already tried that. He suggested that she throw ice water on them, but she had also tried that. So the vet asked if her phone had a long cord and it did so he told her to hang up, take the phone outside, and put it next to the dogs and he would call back in five minutes.
The woman asked, "Will that work?"
The vet replied, "Well, it did on me." 

Cable Ride

You really need to see and hear this shit: 


The last fucking straw.
We have all had moments like that. I usually laugh uncontrollably for reasons I am unaware of. 

That is the typical and natural reaction. That is why that baby in a previous gif walking across that glass bridge befuddled me. 

I've never been much of a drug guy. 


The best laid plans...

Ball 1 - Glasses 0 

Some people don't value life as much as others.

The guy in front of me at the supermarket paid with a check. Not to be outdone, I tried to pay with some turquoise beads and an otter pelt.




The Indian guy does a great job...

Do you think that's a permanent tattoo?

Lineman job routine


Magnificent abandoned greenhouse

I really hate beautiful places like that being allowed to rust away.

Three Worth Photographs


Did you notice the floating house? 


A Year of Sunsets
The way it moves from left to right and back again.






 Did you notice the bottle?




 I forgot what we were supposed to look for but I think it's movies.


Anonymous said...

D2: no. There are no other tattoos on the body that are visible especially the right arm. There are no piercings on the right ear. The fingernails have no color. Therefore, this is non permanent body art.

Anonymous said...

D8: Totally missed the floating house. Thanks for pointing it out.

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