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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


One Of My Very Own



Please take two minutes to listen to this most beautiful love song.

Edith Piaf - Non, Je ne regrette rien

I used to play that song for my young students sometimes. I had arias blaring on most days. Those children would always settle down and be on task when the arias were playing.

Michelangelo created David, and that is amazing. But then he sculpted this.
This is arguably the finest sculpture ever. 


Propane Tanks
They suggested removing propane tanks. I can't imagine driving around with a huge flammable tank in the bed of my pickup. 

A rare ginger albino seal pup is one in a 100,000.
I wonder if it helps or harms their chances of survival.


Swiss artist Simon Berger creates absolutely gorgeous portraits with just a hammer and a pane of laminated safety glass. He strikes strategic blows upon the delicate surface to capture the subject’s face, profile, or shape with incredible precision. This specific art has taken Berger a great deal of time to develop with a great deal of trial and error involved. Art Insider spoke with the artist about his unique process. I kind of like it when there’s some abstract touch to it. 
It's pretty cool to watch.

These Are The World's Most Troubling Hotspots of Vaccine Hesitancy


And I thought it was mostly an American problem! Look at France, South Korea, and Japan!!


The census tells cities how large their sewage treatment plants need to be. And undocumented immigrants have to shit, too. The same with water treatment plants, schools, highways, hospital beds, etc. None of those things know who is documented and who is not.


A makeshift bunker used to save a couple and their dog from wildfire.
 They stayed in here breathing through an orange juice soaked dressing gown (seen laying on top) for three hours.
The interior was stuffed with dry wool blankets and a layer of wetness on top.

[verification needed]

Somehow my chocolate chip cookies turned into a triptophobic’s nightmare.
Who knew? 

The rose-scented hand sanitizer my wife got from Bath & Body Works reminds me of a funeral home so I just kinda go with it and think of the dead germs.



Nature demonstrates how to wear a mask properly...

These guys will attempt to get that off-road vehicle off the boat and up the stairs. You are to deduce whether it ends up in the water:
A. To the left of the pier.
B. Off the end of the pier.
C. Over the boat and off to the right.
D. Directly behind the boat.

Don't give up too soon...
D. Directly behind the boat. 

Gurkhas are fierce warriors.


The first girl in black deepthroated that thing.

Man Surprises Girlfriend By Shaving His Head In Solidarity With Her Alopecia
Marry him as soon as possible.


Please take a moment to check that your voter registration is up-to-date or register for the first time at https://www.vote.org 


I call that voluntary ignorance. 

I would never have let my daughter get that close to the glass without me next to her. Not that I thought the glass was going to break but because I didn't know for certain that it wouldn't.

I can’t wait to be the first murder victim on TV whose loved ones describe as “He kinda deserved it” and “I’m actually surprised it took so long.”



Guys do shit like that all the time. 

Someone tailgates me and then speeds around me and gets stuck behind the same traffic I was stuck behind. 

If you would like to hear her squeal: CLICK HERE
I'm thinking her brother fucked with the nozzle so it would do that.


Old habits die hard.
The real culprit here is the guy who took the video and put it online. 

I've written my own obit and it's a hoot. 


Not at all spontaneous, of course.





Somebody had to teach it to say that. 

I'm thinking his friend called his name at just the right time.



Willem Dafoe is such a good actor he has been Dicaprio this whole time and I bet you never noticed... That's acting!


Cocaine is a helluva drug...
In case it doesn't load: CLICK HERE 


Her face. That's a "YouTube here I come" face.

Crop circles











weaponoffishdestruction@gmail.com said...

A hanger?

Kranky Old Guy said...

Puzzle Time: A Clothes Hanger. (That took a while; good one.)

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Clothes hangers

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