About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, October 16, 2020

FRIDAY #4314

 One Of My Very Own

That reminds me of my deaf ass.






Background checks should also be banned. Arby’s doesn’t need to know how many people I was “accused” of holding hostage.






You need to read that aloud.


In a recent interview, he admitted that years ago he didn't believe that manmade gases influenced climate.
The interviewer asked what changed his mind and Attenborough said, "I talked to the scientists."


Bold of him to assume any of those people know what "erudite" means.


1968, Ron Cobb (RiP)








Do the makers of Pringles know how big hands are?



Wall painting machine.

A salesman of such machines bought me lunch years ago. His company printed any image on very large vinyl sheets that were then glued to the wall. And they used high-quality paint instead of ink.

WW1 Shock Trooper, Sniper and Machinegunner Helmets, chain and plate armor

Do you think those bullet marks are real? I worry about the one on the right being in such a straight line.

And a good time was had by all.


Would someone please explain that to me?
BTW wouldn't you love to see a tutorial showing how she wipes her ass?

Saturn rising behind the moon


The chain is a nice touch!

Guess what these are.
Before toilet paper, Greeks and Romans tidied up with ceramic pieces.

During the Greco-Roman period from 332 BCE to 642 CE, they used a tersorium, which had a sponge on one end, was left in public bathrooms for communal use.

In Japan in the eighth century CE, people used another type of wooden stick called a chuugi to clean both the outside and inside of the anus - literally putting a stick up their buttocks.

water, leaves, grass, stones, animal furs and seashells, moss, sedge, hay, straw, and pieces of tapestry, feathers, and goosenecks.


Halloween candy idea for the kids this year.


Growing up in rural Alabama I spent a lot of time walking down paths just like that one.


Alligator taunts a golfer.




Haha, this thing is an asshole. I’m gonna keep it.



Ice flowing over Niagara Falls


This was captioned "Icy blue glacier water."

I don't think the water is blue. The ice is blue...at least the glaciers I've seen.


Frog prints



Growing rice on top of water



Oil trapped inside a potato chip


And yet she posted it anyway.



Being an adult is saying "I can't believe it's (x month) already" over and over and over until you die.




How I Met Your Mother...

She reminds me of this guy. Recognize him?

Billy Jack and he did all his own stunts.




Cosplayer gets mistaken for Elsa

She, of course, came as this homicidal bitch.

But did you notice that foot?!?

And soon after gasping at that, I scrolled down to this lady...


This came with no explanation.

This is either the filming of a movie...

Or one helluva gender reveal party.


The best blooper

With sound: CLICK HERE


Oh, yes we can...

The longer you look the weirder it gets.

Did you notice the goose has a broken wing?

Did you notice the peacock on the roof?

Did you notice the bird on his shoulder?

Did you notice the patches in his pants?

Did you notice his laundry hanging on the house?

Did you notice the chicken steal a piece of banana?

And my favorite - the split bamboo roof.


Just when I was starting to think that America couldn't get any worse, I see our heartwarming overwhelming voter turnout even with the mountain of voter suppression efforts.


Harrison is my guy. And for the first time in my life, I sent him a good little chunk of cash.
You can only lie to me so many times and I get pissed.












Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

started with knickerbocker, but settled for a knickknack

Signed: Paddywhack

RON said...

A2 The late great Paul Neuman is holding four beers. You can see the tops between his fingers.

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