About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 One Of My Very Own

I think that very funny.







The South American sabertooth hunter 

Thylacosmilus was not a cat, but a metatherian of an extinct order, closer related to marsupials than to placental mammals (art by Mauricio Anton).

Convergent evolution led to similarities to felines, and Thylacosmilus reached about the size of a jaguar. They lived ca 9 to 3 million years ago [MYA], and went extinct before the Great American Interchange.


Ca 23 MYA modern Kenya was haunted by the huge predator Simbakubwa kutokaafrika ("great lion from Africa"). Despite the name it was no cat but of a now-extinct mammal order (art by Mauricio Anton).

This apex predator's size has been estimated to be on par with, or greater than, a polar bear; with a weight of ca 1,500 kg (3,300 lb).



He dreamed of becoming a "foot" baller.
I think I would opt for amputation.

If I have this right, that was made very similar to that little aluminum rake thing cast in wet sand from a couple of days ago.

Drawing a perfect circle.

So, he built a huge temporary blackboard for that?

Apparently, Newton was challenged to find the path that gave the shortest travel time for a bead under the influence of only gravity and determined the solution to be a cycloid the very next day. 

Smart guy.

Hydrogen-powered superbike

For video with sound: CLICK HERE


I've shown you this before but I just thought of something.
I have very difficult veins to locate. Once in the ER, a nurse punctured my nerve while poking around for a vein. That was two years ago and my little finger is STILL numb.
My question is, why don't every ER have a machine like that?


NASA Probe Has Collected a Bit Too Much Asteroid Dust And Is Now Leaking Its Treasure


Now the good news from space...


A werewolf who doesn't know that they are a werewolf would be an unawarewolf.





Here's a hint...








I haven't a clue.



Marilyn Monroe photographed by Milton Greene on the backlot of Fox Studios, April 1956.

But her toes...
Most people don't know that in her later years she just let herself go a little wild...


Rare footage of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Oh, the humanity.





Irish man's message to his family from the grave. Always leave’m laughing!

I laugh aloud. Sound on.





I'm thinking the ball is spinning very fast.

Political Humor

Count the mistakes. I dare you.



Smelling your own farts puts the fart back in your body.



Seriously, I know infants can hold their breath underwater and I think she is stimulating it to inhale by blowing in its face, but doesn't that toss look a little violent to you?

I'm 100 % sure this is not in the USA.

I'm assuming it's a temperature check.

I've shown you this before...
But the question begs to be asked - why doesn't she just bend her left leg?

It's always funnier when they permanently disfigure their face. 

There's a law in physics about that very thing.


Beware of neighbor's dog...
Fucking fool.

Speaking of...
There isn't enough money to get me to do that.

Putting a campfire out with gasoline is like putting an oil fryer fire out with water...




Reminds me of this old repost...

Ye Olde Iron Skillet Defence



Boy, do I have a story for you...
Yesterday I found an old ziplock bag of peanut M&Ms. After a couple of bites I noticed that each one was damaged with small craters. A closer look revealed the bugs inside the bag.
But it gets worse. That night while brushing my teeth I spit into the sink and two of those bugs came out...tiny little legs and all.

It's a rough time for everyone but especially those with depression, panic attacks, and/or addictions. I wish you all the very best.
And for the rest of you...







Want to see what a cultist looks like?


I hope you didn't give up on that last one too soon.



More weirdness
Not up to my strict standards so here's another.


Anonymous said...

puzzle time: J for January.
those are the first letters of the names of the months starting with March.

weaponoffishdestruction@gmail.com said...

Puzzle time = "F"ebruary.

Anonymous said...

It's a big ole "F"

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