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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, November 23, 2020

MONDAY #4352

 One Of My Very Own












I know it has been hard. It's been hard on every person on Earth. 
Try not to do harmful things to your body. Stay safe.









Betty White used to be Betty Grey until she fought the Saxons and was reborn.



If Children Grew up Isolated from Adults, Would they Create Their Own Language?

Children learn to communicate at an astonishing rate when they are young and interacting with family members. They become fluent quickly, even if they are exposed to several different languages. But does that innate drive to communicate depend completely on exposure?


Not so fast, Sparky. 
Read the real story: CLICK HERE

“What? I used a mask!”


Science is here to help us in the time of need but I don't want to follow their advice.

You know, in high school if you didn't believe in science it was called failing.

RH: It still is. This is what utter failure looks like -

But if you trust scientists then this is your response...


You really should listen to his wife if you need a laugh: CLICK HERE

And then he farted.


Real-Life Orc – Man Has Giant Tusks Implanted to Resemble Fictional Creature



What do you think that means? In practical terms how would it be applied.

I try very hard to do that but I am remiss far too often. I will try harder.

War in the Time of Neanderthals

Prehistoric warfare leaves tell-tale signs. A club to the head is an efficient way to kill – clubs are fast, powerful, precise weapons – so prehistoric Homo sapiens frequently show trauma to the skull. So too do Neanderthals.



Guy Proves Skirts and High-Heels Can Look Good on Men as Well


"Muslim women praying in Hamedan, Iran for Eid al-Fitr."

I find that photograph very beautiful.




Now, this is how you photobomb!




If you sit on your hands for 15 minutes before signing your welfare check it feels like someone else is disappointing your parents.




Russia’s Inflatable Army – A Tool of Deception

Looking back at the most significant battles and military operations in history, deception has always been an important strategy, and in modern-day Russia, balloons are one of the most important tools of deception.

It takes a village...


I don't think it is painted. I think it is more like a decal.

A Mason’s Hidden Portrait Found After 900 Years

“You find this in medieval buildings,” Dr. Jennifer Alexander told the Observer. “They’re usually in dark corners where only another stonemason would find them. This one is in a bit of the building where you’d have to be a stonemason to be up there to see it. It’s tucked away in among a whole set of capitals [the top of a column] that are otherwise plain.



How to solve it.

Voyager 2's reaction from 11.7 billion miles away when NASA pings it.


The World's First Mobile Bowling Alley

For years, entrepreneur Terence Jackson, Jr. of Southfield, Michigan pursued his dream: to build a mobile bowling alley to entertain people at parties and corporate events. Despite the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, he was able to launch his project this summer. He says that Luxury Strike Bowling is the only trailer of its kind in the world: a completely mobile 2-lane bowling alley.

Photographer Peter Lik’s photo, called “Phantom,” holds the record for the most expensive photo sold. 

“The purchase also included Lik’s masterworks “Illusion” for $2.4 million and “Eternal Moods” for $1.1 million.  With this $10 million sale, Lik now holds four of the top 20 spots for most expensive photographs ever sold.  He already has a position in the ranking with a previous $1 million sale of the famed image, “One.”

$10,000,000. So why so much money? Peter is well known for his landscape photography and his colorwork. To see the landscape and black and white together is very rare. Combine that with the very ghost-like look due to dust and the little sliver and light, and you’ve got yourself a winner. Technically, this is a very tough image to accomplish because of the high amounts of contrast. According to Lik’s news post today, it was shot in the Southwest part of the United States.

- The Photoblographer


A boat giving birth?


I keep thinking about that being the last thing those Somali pirates see and thinking "Those zany Americans."


AI-Powered Camera Keeps Mistaking Linesman’s Bald Head for Ball During Football Match

Was that a cruel thing to do?

The Yakutian Horses That Can Withstand Temperatures of Under -70 Degrees Celsius

Winter temperatures in Russia’s northern region of Yakutia can drop under a staggering -70 degrees Celsius, making it impossible for humans to stay outside for long periods of time. But for the indigenous horses of this region, such extreme temperatures are comfortable enough to spend days and nights in the open. Yakutian horses are only 140-145 centimeters tall but can weigh up to half a tonne, because of a thick layer of fat and a heavy, thick mane that can reach up to 10 centimeters long. Because of their stocky physique and long mane, some have referred to them as the equestrian version of wooly mammoths. There’s more to that comparison than looks, though, as these horses can withstand far lower temperatures than any other horse breeds anywhere in the world.


I don't do stairs anymore.

I'm not sure that is just fun and games.



Seriously, they use those pop-up thermometers on trains. See the aqua disc in the center...
That's where they have to put a hard disk of grease. They had to lift the entire car off the axels to inspect it. They used to do it periodically by miles traveled but half the time it was not needed. So, this one guy drilled a hole and put in a pop-up thermometer. Then with one glance, you could determine if there was excess heat, thus the grease disk needs replacing.












Larry said...


Anonymous said...

A4 or you can get your appetite anywhere as long as you eat at home. grist guy.

Anonymous said...

B1 you would have "The Lord of the Flies" grist guy

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