About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

SUNDAY #4351

 One Of My Very Own








And right in the middle of this covid shitshow a young man I respect very much took his wife and young daughter to visit a houseful of relatives in another city. I would have bet money that this young man would not be so irresponsible. Pity that.


How do people not know about the rules a reading English?

All things Ralph...

The only definition of time that works is the numbers on a clock.



"Ouch" in a ghetto sort of way.

So when is an eighteen year old EVER capable of making a $300,000 loan that can't even be erased with bankruptcy?




I used to do this...
Now that I am sporting a giant mustache, corn on the cob is impossible. Rotate it one way and the hair is dragged into my mouth. Rotate the other way and the hair wraps around the ear and makes the other diners ill.
And if you are really poor...

TP in a real pinch.










Bugs have their own Jesus. A special worm that did something weird.



Recognize this wholesome-looking young woman? 

That's amazing!


How do you learn that works?

The internet has ruined me.


I notice things like that all the time.

Several weeks ago I asked what this was that WWII soldiers carried around. Well, an alert viewer sent me a complete and fascinating explanation of the uses of the toggle rope.

I love learning stuff like this.

Too soon?

How the Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled a sabotage and reconnaissance group of Russian mercenaries.


C-17 Nightime Humvee Airdrop


Gear Drawers

Very odd divisions inside the drawers. Anybody?


This is that wholesome-looking young woman.


We stride through our Universe with the confidence of a giant, giving little thought to the fact that reality bubbles with uncertainty.



Gender Reveal





The guy in black catches the ball, gets tackled, and DDT his tackler at the same time.

I had to look DDT up. It refers to slamming the guy's head into the ground while that guy is trying to slam you into the ground. 
It scrambles the brain similar to the insecticide.

We all knew a kid like this, didn't we? They usually end up in prison shortly after their 18 birthday.



Okay, she's probably drunk.

What's the opposite of flattering?


I've often thought they needed a triangular tank for corners.
Oh, look THEY DO!



It's stuck!
I know a trick.

Every man at a UN meeting eying Emma Watson’s butt.

Even the photograph has it framed.


How you make a left turn up north.










Wait until the end...





Anonymous said...

puzzle time...
square the first number and subtract the square root of the second number.
5^2=25, 4^0.5=2:: 25-2=23

the unknown is zero: 3^2=9, 81^0.5=9::9-9=0.

Anonymous said...

Answer = 0
First number squared - square root of second number.

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