About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, November 30, 2020

MONDAY #4359

 One Of My Very Own





Do you think Biden will impose another lockdown? I do.
Use email or comments and tell me what you hope will happen or what you fear will happen. I would appreciate it.


Did you know it only has three vertical sides?

ICU doctor embracing covid patient on Thanksgiving Day.

This from a Brit:

Why the fuck aren’t you guys in lockdown? You came within a bee's dick of 200,000 cases in a single day, and you’re celebrating by flying all over the country for hugs? I’m honestly afraid for the Christmas you’re in for... So many people are going to die needlessly.

This from an American:

It boggles the imagination.

Here's how intelligent people do it.
These are two of my most favorite people.

Here's their story:

A different T-day this year - we went camping at a State Park.  For every site open, they had two in between closed. We had no neighbors. 

We went prepared with our own portable toilet, our own hot water shower, and a full outdoor kitchen (oven included).

We even brought an outdoor theater with us and watched movies on a 100" screen. 

All the fixin's were there.

My daughter braided my beard.

God, I love those guys and miss them terribly.




I didn't believe it either, but...

131 years ago today, pioneering female journalist Nellie Bly began her record-breaking attempt to travel around the world in 80 days.

She succeeded—and needed only 72. She wanted to prove that Jules Verne's fictional journey Around the World in 80 Days could be achieved and traveled 24,899 miles, mostly alone, using steamships and trains, wearing only the dress on her back, a sturdy overcoat and carrying a small travel bag with toiletries and underwear.

Bly, whose real name was Elizabeth Jane Cochrane, first became renowned for her undercover investigation on insane asylum conditions, during which she pretended to be mad. Her expose led to a grand jury investigation and $850,000 in increased funds to care for the insane.


Joe Biden and his mother Catherine Eugenia Finnegan, Also known as "Joe Mama"!

RH: I wonder how that makes his siblings feel.


It seems that this is done by hand all over the world.

She doesn't know the camera will save the guy's butt from her false accusations.

He was nice enough to inform her of the camera at the end of the clip.

She responds almost instantly to the slightest movement.
It reminds me of Little League kids in the outfield responding almost instantly to the crack of the bat and runs directly at where their brains have calculated the ball will be.

Okay, I get balancing the puck on the stick, but when he throws it why does the puck go along for the ride?

I'm thinking that's a police PSA, because, of course, the cameraman.

I used to practice throwing knives for hours. 
I recently bought this to throw because of the hard rubber handle.
But it is just too damn beautiful to risk damage.

That is a genuinely nice human being. When he dies I will mourn.

But CNN has started giving small bios of people who died of covid. And lo and behold they were all the nicest, funniest, most helpful, and loving people on the planet. I don't think so. Some of them MUST have been assholes just like the rest of us.

An example of just that: A server at my favorite bar just died. One of the other servers wrote: "We will miss his smile and his wit. He was always a joy."

No, he was an asshole. He was a hopeless alcoholic and chronic gambler with bookies and lost every penny he made. He used to walk up while I was telling a joke and every time...EVERY TIME he would say, "Yeah, I heard it already." Once I turned on him, called him a liar, and told him I had just written that joke the night before. I hadn't, of course, done no such thing but he didn't know that.
He was the kind of person who belittled me once when I paid off a bet. I never made another bet with him, me saying, "The bet was $5. Not $5 and me sitting here in front of my friends being belittled by you."
He drank himself to death. His liver just gave up. A fitting epithet.

I have never forgotten that.


I would have liked to have seen that.

Notice Washington.

If that doesn't load, try this:


One nice way to feel better about yourself is to imagine what Steve Irwin would say about you if you were a little snake he found in the desert.





That's something like I would do.


 I had to watch that three times to understand what happened.

I'm thinking it was the murder of that gorilla.


How very clever.






Originally Greece was just a bunch of separate countries that were each named Grooce.



I didn't believe it, but...

Speaking of...
Did you catch the gag?

Stripes work sometimes but not always.


I'm thinking that the clip was reversed.


The thumb is on the wrong side.



Why Chinese buildings are so shoddy.

That explains so very much.

That moment you know you need to up the speed on the windshield wipers.



I accidentally closed a browser with 20+ tabs open and now I know how the scholars of Alexandria felt when their library burned.




I've seen them with countless "friends" but have never heard an adequate explanation as to why.

A bit of an overreaction don't you think?

I'm thinking that clip was also reversed cause cats are assholes.

We all need a hug from time to time.



The safest kid in the neighborhood.

They do that just to make him happy.

It wasn’t us








I put those people in the exact same basket as this guy.





RH: Crossword solvers will get it.


Anonymous said...

puzzle time...I'll go with bank. The other 3 have a similar sounding word that means something else. Bear...bare; find...fined; fair....fare. There's probably a term for that but I'm too lazy to look it up.

Inchworm said...

homophones. Bank doesn't have one. Like he said.

Anonymous said...

All the other words share the letter "a".
"Find" has no "a".

I do like the previous solution regarding the homophones, but "bank" does have a homonym. I still consider it the best answer.

Ralph Henry said...

I know what the Mensa people wanted. You guys want to hear it?

Anonymous said...

What is the Mensa answer?
Did you not get my answer about how all the words except fair could be used as verbs?

Ralph Henry said...

Mensa answers says the answer is FIND because it's the only one that doesn't have two meanings.

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