About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, November 7, 2020


 One Of My Very Own
















Several people left alternate numbers in the comment section of the site where I found that.



7777 33 66 3 77 88 3 33 7777 xD




58008 618


I didn't bother to check those.

I knew a guy whose wife had dated Jay Leno in high school so when Jay came to a comedy club near us we went to see him. After the show, I invited him to come to my house for more socialization. Around 3am I went into the kitchen to see my friend looking very upset and asked him what was wrong. He said, "I think that motherfucker fucked my wife!" I calmed him down and violence was avoided.


I think if humans ever find aliens at least someone is going to try and eat one.



And you wonder why there are so many warnings on ladders...
^^B 1-5^^

Years ago a man was changing a tire and when the jack failed his two broken arms were trapped in the wheel well. A barber across the street who witnessed the whole thing dashed out the door and was hit by a car. He died.

I would bet men spot the error much quicker than women.

And now we wait indeed.


You would think revving the engine would surely draw unwanted attention.


And sometimes the wait is over...



Speaking of damaged roofs...

He could have died very easily.


My body has absorbed so much sanitizer that when I pee it cleans the toilet.




I had no idea that this machine existed.

Primitive Fire Craft

Many, many more ways here:

Yeah, nice horse but what about the door trim? You ever see anything like that? Looks like something in an alien spacecraft.



About 24 million years ago, baby shark ancestors of the giant beast called megalodon needed a place to grow big before heading into the open ocean, so they swam around a coastal spot replete with easy-to-catch prey - a nursery in what is now South Carolina.


Medical researchers have made a surprise anatomical discovery, finding what looks to be a mysterious set of salivary glands hidden inside the human head – which somehow have been missed by scientists for centuries up until now.



A cosmonaut released a few leaves from a teabag in the transfer chamber of the Zvezda Service Module then the crew sealed the chamber off by closing its hatches, and monitored the tea leaves on video cameras as they floated in microgravity.



The curious case of the USS Mississippi

The worst designed ship ever to put to water.


So they are like boners?

If you are ever desperate enough to think about buying this...
Remember this...

When Lincolnshire County Council were widening the road past RAF Scampton’s main gate in about 1958, the ‘gate guards’ there had to be moved to make way for the new carriageway.

The bombs were live and had been since the war.

Chinesium rebar gonna be in a high rise near you.

I thought they only used chinesium for cheap screwdrivers at Family Dollar.


This guy was very proud of his DIY countertop.
But all frontloading appliances should be placed on a pedestal to put the door more or less at chest level. He could have done that easily.

Said to be ball lightning, one of the rarest and most inexplicable atmospheric phenomena.

Naturally, there is a great deal of skepticism. What say you?

As I understand it the ridges are to facilitate more sauce sticking to the pasta. But of course...


That looks like a lot of work for the payoff.

Notice that handle on the top?
It's part of a "click off/click on" barrel replacement system...for that very reason.

What a cheap and easy way to teach a child about germination. Two pieces of glass could just be taped together with pencil spacers to produce a cavity for the dirt.
Speaking of growing your own...
Did you notice that at the beginning he is stomping in his own footprints?






And don't forget, he said he would come back while his apostles were still alive. Oops.



Well, that's rather offputting.


Now listen closely: If you are a Trump supporter, you may not want to visit my auxiliary post because IT WILL insult you. Don't blame me if you neglect to heed my warning.


Suppe said...

worst design in warships probably was the Vasa:
interesting story and a breathtaking museum!

Anonymous said...

Glow stick
Smelling salt
Fasting ( breakfast)
A bolt ( before you can use an easy-out)

Anonymous said...

Puzzletime - horse

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