About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

SUNDAY #4337

 One Of My Very Own













Remind me of this...

I hate the lack of proper cropping like this.
It's a seat belt buckle.




But he let them die.

I've lost half of my viewers due to my political posts but I couldn't just sit by while the covid was allowed to run rampant. I simply can't fathom how his failure to effectively manage a pandemic response can just be ignored by half the country. Sorry to bore you but that neglect alone damned Trump for me. Not hate but fear motivated me to respond.
Yeah, I, along with millions of others, am emotionally exhausted.


When I wear a normal mask with this beard I look like a 70s girl's crotch in a bikini.



See the problem?

Superman can fly. It makes no sense.

Maybe they are just helping Robin get laid.



"A murderous craze."
Yeah, maybe if there's only one bag of potato chips left.

And this election has brought about some regions of sanity.



That bastard was aiming for the guy!



Carjackers foiled...



The fun police ruining it for the rest of us again...

God, I love that kid.

What do you think he was planning to do?

Remember the Chinesium rebar?

Or this wet concrete collapsing?
Here's why construction standards are important.
He's one lucky sumbitch.


I lost my hair years ago but I still carry a comb. I just can't part with it.





Call me Ishmael!

I'm assuming his boat sank and he was lucky enough to come upon a floating carcass.

They do that you know.

More awful cropping.

A single-celled organism eats a single-celled organism


This is me when I hear someone at the door during our lockdown.



Majestic Black Deer in Valley of Poland



With his fingers!


And then you said...

She PRINTED OUT his text messages. 
Divorce to ensue.


Now that I have observed how some people wear masks I understand why condoms are not universally effective.



This new carnival ride looks intense.


The researchers used mice under anesthetics as their test subjects, choosing the colon because there's an easy point of entry, as it were... and because the insides of the organ can get very messy as food and drink is digested.


When the acid finally kicks in on the way home from the party...


Did you notice all the netting around the garden?

Precise Orbit of ISS

To see in motion: CLICK HERE


In 1984 a German correspondent in Paris shows how to cross Place de la Concorde

That is exactly how I crossed the street to get to the Arch of Triumph in Paris.

And after almost dying a thousand times we found the underground route.

Remember this master?

Historic primary school relocated via hydraulics about 61 meters and rotated into a new position over 18 days.


I bet every move he made was necessary.

I hate the word "just". Having never studied art you are not qualified to critique it. There is a cultural aspect you just don't understand.
It's the same as people listening to opera and declaring "It's just a lot of people yelling foreign words." Or criticizing poetry for not rhyming. 
Most undereducated people simply do not understand the rules which were applied with great skill or broken to create something new.
That's not an elitist view. I can't critique a surgeon's work either. Or a plumber's. Or a computer programer's.


I have a blog post to be uploaded in one year.
I have read and listened to a plethora of predictions of what will happen if Biden was elected:
The cities will burn
The slums will move to the suburbs
The country will be turned Socialist
He will shut down the churches
Democrats will continue drinking the blood of babies
Etc, etc, etc.
I implore you to send me your predictions - both good and bad. Use comments or my email (ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com). I will copy each and every prediction and place it in the post to be uploaded in a year. We will see who was most accurate.
I will, of course, not use your name.
And, please, if you think this country will become Socialist tell me specifically what that will look like...will he nationalize all industry? Will he close all the churches? Will he outlaw all other political parties. Be specific.
Thank you and stay safe.

This man gave me a whole education concerning what could happen if a president didn't concede the election. I had no idea of the ramifications.
It's a 15 minute TED Talk so you might want to come back to it when you have the time.

I highly recommend watching it and implore you to take the time.











I don't remember if anyone got this right.
The answer I was provided said to remove the top and bottom of the first 0 and move it between the resulting two 1s. This gives you 511108.
Here's another:


Anonymous said...

Voice. Or an air guitat I suppose.

Anonymous said...

"I simply can't fathom how his failure to effectively manage a pandemic response can just be ignored by half the country." agree 100%

D'Ascoyne said...

Wrong. You take two sticks from the last digit and turn it into a 5, then use the two sticks as a superscript to make 5005 exponent 11.

Anonymous said...

well...why not 11 raised to the 5005 power?

Suppe said...

Well, D'Ascoyne you'll get a MUCH larger number if you take the two sticks as the basis not the exponent: 11^5005

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