One Of My Very Own
Send me your predictions of how our America will change with Biden in charge.
I will post them all in a year.
Happy 81st Birthday to Tina Turner, the American rock-and-roll singer who rose out of the South where she picked cotton with her parents.
I heard an interview with a man who organized a Thanksgiving get-together with his 12 family members including his 99-year-old father. They all self-isolated for twelve days prior to driving (not flying) to the old homestead. They all wore masks and social distanced. The one time they ventured out they rented a private room in a restaurant where all the staff was masked and gloved up.
All twelve got covid and three relatives were infected when they got home.
There is news of several Democrats going to big family Thanksgiving feasts after telling everyone else not to. I say fuck them. I would never vote for them again.
Here's a neat idea:<>

See anything odd?The guy in the upper right is Baghdad Bob from the second Gulf War.
I was so proud of my daughter the first time she came home from a date stoned out of her skull.
Could someone please help me understand that?
It's not what you think...
Now that is a rough mosh pit.
With a window? I think not.
Lady Bird Johnson initiated a Beautification of America campaign that including blocking junkyards from the view of passersby. It may have made sense inside the cities but the law applied to junkyards out in the middle of nowhere.
That makes perfectly good sense nowadays.
That is exactly how I broke my arm and leg only that ladder looks about 12' and I was on a 20'.
Could that possibly be a real ad?
Though the composite images, created by photographer Dillon Marsh, are constructed, the chunks of lost glacier ice are a reality.
That's what I look like wearing a mask.
I remember this from when the landslide just happened. They built a road around it in 24 hours so commerce wouldn't stop while they restored the original road.^^A22^^
You have to ask yourself why so many people would elect to build right on the lip of the chasm. Do you think it's the view?
That would be a great place to own a hat business.
Telling someone "You are shit" and "You ain't shit" are both insults, but "You are not shit" is a reassurance.
Bug-based pet protein now available from Purina
Despite the initial cringe factor, insect-based proteins are expected to be an $8 billion dollar industry within the next decade, it was a million-dollar industry in 2019. They're also generally believed to be a more environmentally-friendly alternative compared to other animal-based proteins, which could be helpful for fighting climate change.
Parents come out in support for New York Pride, 1974
I lived long enough to see that bigotry begin to wane.
But some people just seem to like to hate. And they always hate people different from them. Different in any way.
Don't let your yearnings get ahead of your earnings.
During the four computer-less days I used my ancient computer and one of the few things I could do on it was to go back through the archives of Folio Olio. While there I culled some of my favorites.
I didn't get that. An alert viewer explained it had to do with the word "debunked".
One of my all-time favorites...
I always root for the bull.
Speaking of head wounds...Do you think that's a movie? I sure hope so.
I read years ago that that was the most polluted beach on the planet. It's where they chop the boats up for scrap.
It's a well-camouflaged tank.
"I'm fine. How are you?"
A world hero.
Imagine someone telling you that they knew a man who died but after three days came back to life. You would probably ask to meet him but you are told he flew up in the sky and only revealed himself to his historians, no scientists, no government officials. Would you believe them?
5 soldiers = 10 legs
5 acres with 1 big tiger each is 5 tigers = 5X4 or 20 legs
5 big tigers with 5 little tigers each = 5X5 or 25 little tigers with 4 legs each or 100 legs
100 + 20 + 10 = 130 legs.
The puzzle stated that "each acre there are 5 big tigers" etc.
5 soldiers guarding 5 acres each gives a total of 25 acres.
Each acre contains 5 large tigers and each large tiger has 5 small tigers. That yields 30 total tigers per acre, for a overall total of 750 tigers. 750 X 4 legs = 3000 tiger legs. Add the 10 human legs and you arrive at 3010 legs in the forest.
I may have read it wrong, but that is my understanding.
Each acre has 30 tigers (5 big and 25 little). Each soldier has 5 acres, so 5 x 30 = 150 tigers per soldier. 150 x 4 = 600 tiger legs plus 2 soldier legs is 602 legs per soldier's 5 acres. Since there are 5 soldiers, each with this setup, then 602 x 5 = 3010 total legs.
A21 - I can dig it.
Towanda's cuz.
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