About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 5, 2020


 One Of My Very Own









Here is what it referenced...



Down here we will deep fry and pickle ANYTHING.







A chicken nugget has been launched into space!

They used a balloon filled with hydrogen to do it and it reached a height of 110,000 feet (or 880,000 chicken nuggets).










Not that there's anything wrong with it.


I don't get it. Anybody?


If you close your eyes while holding a warm pancake it's almost like holding hands with a real person.




That's him on the left and his name is Zachery Ty Bryan.
BTW he looks very much like Dano, the owner of my bar.

See anything odd?
You can even see it in this old picture.
The Queen's throne has a spacer to make hers higher.
And here's why...

These two thrones were made in 1847 by Augustus Pugin (the interior decorator of all of Parliament) for Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, who had the same legal status as Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip.


I'm going to assume she squirted ketchup on the guy's shirt. That exact thing happened to a member of my mural crew. We were in a restaurant booth and he, for whatever reason, began to roll up a ketchup packet exactly like some people roll up a toothpaste tube. Well, that pressurized the contents and finally, it shot out and went over my head and plastered the couple behind me. He apologized enthusiastically.

I am compelled to assist any crying child.


A very good friend of mine from my American Legion days was in WWII. Periodically he would bring along a Japanese guy who he would introduce as the Last Surviving Kamikaze Pilot. 
While he was training the war ended. 

When your morning sucks but you gotta get your head right before work.






Who the fuck decided rendezvous would be pronounced like that?



In a new study, a team of scientists from the UK, Portugal, and Brazil discovered that etching a shallow pattern of grating lines in a checkerboard design on solar cells can enhance the current generated by crystalline silicon (c-Si) by as much as 125 percent.

"We found a simple trick for boosting the absorption of slim solar cells," explains photovoltaics researcher Christian Schuster from the University of York.

"Our investigations show that our idea actually rivals the absorption enhancement of more sophisticated designs – while also absorbing more light deep in the plane and less light near the surface structure itself."


As I understand it, catfish never stop growing.

They said shit like that about the Eifel Tower, The Statue of Liberty, The St. Louis Arch, The Seatle Space Needle...you get my point.

I would like to see that bad boy in action.


I've never before seen a goose that was light in his loafers.

Real-life snake game

We hauled nukes to the flight line the same way.

The front wheels swivel and just follow the trailer ahead of it.

Padauk made into a table with High Gloss 

(Redwood) finish.


An Enoki Mushroom


I have a thing about sheer power.

Lava tubes form when lava flows underneath the surface. As the outside of the flowing lava cools and solidifies into a ceiling and walls, the interior stays molten and keeps flowing. Eventually, the lava flows out of the tube in a downslope direction, leaving the tube.

Here's a tube on Earth:


Snail just being a little prick.

Next level van camping

Will she come set it up for me?





That is doubly scary in this time of covid.


You people CAN'T be that stupid.





1 comment:

Steve said...

Puzzle: the candles have burned for 2 hours. The thicker one has twice the time remaining (4 hours) as the thinner one (2 hours).

x=2 hours

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