About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


 One Of My Very Own




Why are those even illegal?



That sounds exactly like something I would do.




"Boy, that's a tough one."
- every corporate suit probably

Steve Martin said that girls need three boobs - one in the middle of their backs for dancing.


In the movie Airplane! this doctor is calling from the Mayo Clinic.

Those are jars of mayonnaise.


It looks like Kurt Russell has a tiny personal hairdresser...probably on a tiny little step ladder.




I don't think that will work but it's the thought that counts.

Don't know what that is? Here's a hint:

Funny lady.




I bet he put that on his resumé.



In honor of Van Gogh's birthday, I will also be poor and slowly going insane.




Pro-democracy Protestors in Thailand lining up and passing protective equipment (goggles, umbrella, raincoat, etc.) and bottles of water to the front in case of confrontation with police who are using high-pressure water cannon mixed with teargas.


Eruption of Sakurajima

I just noticed the traffic at the base.

How a 'punch card' weaving machine invented in 1801 made beautiful fabric designs affordable to all.


1 million bullets later...

The radar guides the bullets to where the plane will be. You can actually see the airplane right on the horizon.

That is one of the most wonderful things I've ever had the pleasure of looking at.

This is Wilhelm II, the last emperor of Germany 

The German girls used to call me Wilhelm because of my mustache.

Tiny houses is a hot topic nowadays.
I understand the appeal...
But I demand lots of walls on which to hang my art.

And even tiny houses can appear pompous.

This one must be an award winner.


Hell, I could do that if I could shoot silk out my ass.

The USS Stout (DDG-55) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Stout) was forced to go 215 days without a port call thanks to COVID-19, and thanks to her extended cruise she is looking a little rustier and crustier than usual returning home. But those sailors sure did a heck of a job and deserve their much-anticipated return home.


Black Mambas, an all-female squad of South African anti poachers, with a mission to protect animals at all costs


I referenced this a while back when I showed you that child avoid walking over transparent floor panels. How that child overcame her innate fear is anybody's guess.

Battle Dress And Weapons Through The Ages

In the 1944 image what is this?




Remember, wherever you go, whatever you do, always bring enough tequila because people are stupid and you are going to want to be drunk.



I saw that exact thing happen with aluminum oil and a gas grill...at a barbecue cookoff.


11 centimeters

Time for a new fence.
Or a bigger dog.

Did you notice all the holes?
I would assume that makes them break very easily. That guy probably broke half the load.

[verification needed]


Can you find the snake?

Is that the same one I posted months ago? I can't remember but I enjoyed finding it anyway.

Instant karma.

So do skateboarders hate scooters?









Fast, ain't he.



It's called a blind spot for a reason.


On her back is her default position.



Wrekreation said...

B-14 is a toggle rope. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOmBmh0z3ks

weaponoffishdestruction@gmail.com said...

In the 1944 soldiers kit, it appears to be an Australian Garrote. Thanks for leaving politics out of your fine photo blog for a change. Keep up the good work Ralph.

weaponoffishdestruction@gmail.com said...

Wrekreation, thank you for the correction. Nice explanation in the video.

Anonymous said...

B1 last episode MASH?

Anonymous said...

below C3 bricks...Bricks have core holes or recesses (called “frogs”) for several reasons. The most important is a principle called “keying in.” Plus less weight and even drying.

Ralph Henry said...

Have you ever seen a brick with that many holes?

SON of REEP said...

Filmed at Malibu Creek State Park Ca

Suppe said...

puzzle time, no one?
B and D

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Reep, Jr., I have no idea what that means. Image number?

Anonymous said...

BRICKS Yeah, your right. I didn't notice the number of holes. Most I've seen in US are 3 or 6 holes.

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