About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 19, 2020


 One Of My Very Own













Step 1: Cut a hole in the box.






Far, far from it.



I haven't a clue as to whether that is funny or not but it just looks like it ought to be hilarious.





Name something you can say during sex and also while doing your grocery shopping.

Guess I'll use self-checkout.

Is that how it's supposed to smell?

Unexpected item in the bagging area.

Do you think this will fit in the back?

Can I pay with a card?

Thank you, come again.

Cleanup on aisle 2.



My new favorite costume.



Nasal swab illustrated...

That was almost too silly for a sophisticated blog like Folio Olio. Almost.



[verification needed]







Those are I Voted stickers.


How to make a sandwich

First, you get yourself two pieces of bread. Then you get you a jar of Duke's mayonnaise. And if you ain't got Duke's you might as well put that bread away.



Unfortunately, now we have zoom calls that could have been emails.


Supercell hail storms hit the Australian City of Brisbane

Here's what it did to roofs...
And the interior...

Subtle that. LOTR fans out there?



Fire in electrical plant Mexico. 



We've all been there at least once, haven't we?

Why don't they do normal things like eating the flesh of their Lord?

What a bunch of pussies.





Anybody have any idea how I can disable the autocorrect function on my wife?




Off duty TSA agents:


No mask and I will make some unflattering assumptions about you.
Please, wear one for old people like me.


These soldiers of the 357th Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, were fighting across the Saar River near Dillingen. 

I was perplexed over their beaming smiles until I read this:

They have just received word that they are part of 64 men who will be granted a thirty-day furlough at home plus 2 months' travel time. 

All have received the Purple Heart and numerous other decorations for outstanding acts of courage. 

TWO MONTHS' travel time!!!

The world's worst illustration.

When transitioning into a new environment, I learned early not to make friends with the first people who rush in to befriend me. There is a reason they don't have friends already.


What an attitude!

Both are said to be genuine photos...


Many, many years ago I hired a religion major to help me paint murals. Within weeks he was drinking beer and playing poker with the rest of my crew.
He is now one of my oldest and dearest friends.
And the only man I've ever known who could regularly pick up strippers right off the stage.
He helped me paint that mural of shoppers at a shopping center.











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