About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 26, 2020


 One Of My Very Own






Only Americans are this collectively stupid.




Barak, Michelle, Hilary, and Bill all took them:

_ _A_ _

Messes with: _O_ _E_ _

Prepare to go next: _EE_ _

Break: _A_

Small trunks: _ _EE_ _ _

Word that can precede or follow "run": _ _ _

Critical time: _ _A_

What can take a punch?: _A_ _ _

____ beam: _ _N (It's not SUN)

Big diamonds: _ _ E _
Produce on a farm: _ _O_

Upfront: _ _O_ _U

Letters gone from most phones: _ _E_

Suite meet: T_ _ _T

In again: R_ _R_



[verification needed]



We wish.


That is one of my very own.


When your teenager gets a hold of the signboard...


How she let her husband know she was pregnant.







As I understand it, the main port was in the province of Holland so the sailors began to say they were going to Holland and it stuck.


It has been brought to my attention that the stick figure decals on the back windows of vehicles are not pedestrian kill scores. Bummer.




Singaporean apartment block

I think I've shown you that before but I just noticed that frees up a lot more green space on the roofs.

Near Guadalajara, Mexico

The photo was taken in 1895

The photo was taken in 2016

This is another image I seem to remember showing you months ago. I talked to my most trusted advisor about reposts and she said that most people won't remember everything I've posted. I hope that's the case.


[verification needed]


Programmed to be sassy...

Rare footage of a Halitrephes Maasi Jellyfish


So very vulnerable...
...so far to go.

Newspapers?! Who reads newspapers anymore?


The manual model






Watering plants with night condensation

Southern Spain has a whole bunch of those.


I'm a Hydrox man myself. You can crumble them up in milk to make a delicious paste. Oreos have too much white shit for that.

Growing up we had four of those in our house.


That's magnificent! I would love to have a print of that hanging in my office.

Putting yourself in the right spot at the right time.


After I put a clap light in our bedroom, rough sex also became a rave.



He went into a ''Kneebar'' to help blood get back to his forearm.


Shitty cropping.








Can you spot the moment the graffiti canon exploded?



Barak, Michelle, Hilary, and Bill all took them:

LSATS (Law school pre-test)

Messes with: MONKEYS

Prepare to go next: TEEUP

Break: GAP (as in a schedule)

Small trunks: SPEEDOS

Word that can precede or follow "run": DRY

(That took me much longer than it should have)

Critical time: DDAY

What can take a punch?: LADLE

____ beam: ION

Big diamonds: ACES

Produce on a farm: GROW

Upfront: SHORTU

(That's an old crossword trick. The U in up is a short U sound.)

Letters gone from most phones: OPER

Suite meet: TRYST

In again: RETRO











Steve said...

Puzzle: Grape

Anonymous said...

B3: Your advisor is right.

office.com/setup said...

I never believed there will be that much air traffic going on simultaneously.

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