About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020




One Of My Very Own











I think it should have read: The ghost of my mom.








That took me much longer than it should have.







I want 6 pet sloths so I can name them after every sin except sloth.



Probably not.

There are rumors afoot that he only ran to increase his image appeal and never expected to win and that's exactly what that looks like.

I so do hope that is factual.

Let's have another look at this...
The exact second that the Lord reached out and touched him...

The New Normal




Road Rage Karma #1


Road Rage Karma #1
Muscle truck driver upset over protestors blocking road...

That sumbitch jumped out of the water to do that!

The exact moment his parents decided to spend his college fund on an above ground pool.

Why you need to hire an engineer...

"Say thank you to the nice lady."
"Fuck that bitch," little girl probably.

As a cessation aid, I now drive around my hometown and only smoke when I see someone wearing a mask. I've had one cigarette in two weeks. We South Carolinians just don't give a fuck.




The year is 2035. Every fish is dead. Amazon owns every school. The Captain Crunch brand asks the Cheerios Bee for nudes on Twitter. The weather is one constant tornado.



That is so dated. Imagine allowing a maskless young woman nowadays to blow on your drink.


This is what an illustrator thought Cain and Abel looked like.
And on the 8th day, God created the razor, hair gel, and combs.

A tiny clothes washer?
A nutcracker?
An ATM that you talk to?


An illustrated guide to anal...




That's amazing.



My wife yelled from the bedroom and asked, "Do you ever get a shooting pain in your back like someone is stabbing a voodoo doll that looks like you?"

I said, "No."

Then she asked, "How about now?"



ISS transiting the 4% illuminated moon during the daytime.


Yeah, right.


I find it interesting that we can now date gifs by whether they are wearing masks or not.

Researchers build a robot scientist that has already discovered a new catalyst

Researchers at the University of Liverpool have built an intelligent mobile robot scientist that can work 24-7, carrying out experiments by itself.

The robot scientist, the first of its kind, makes its own decisions about which chemistry experiments to perform next and has already discovered a new catalyst. It has humanoid dimensions and works in a standard laboratory, using instruments much like a human researcher does. However, unlike a human, this 400 kg robot has infinite patience, can think in 10 dimensions, and works for 21.5 hours each day, pausing only to recharge its battery.

So it has to stop to recharge. Why not have it replace the battery with a charged one then recharge the old one - mere seconds of lost productivity.


This is fascinating...
They weren't building a bridge.
They were building barges.

This really confuses me...
So, it sleeps with its armor down and useless and its tender underbelly up and vulnerable?

Without a source, I'm just going to assume this is some reversed GIFs and move on with my day.

The conservation of energy would not allow this. At best it would even out the fluid in both glasses.



If it wasn't for deer hunters scenes like that would be happening all over town. And don't get me started about what it would do to vehicular travel.

My question is: why doesn't it load the truck at the same time? Just squirt the log over the trailer and cut it off.















Anonymous said...

26 minutes
Chad needs five minutes to finish the boards for a box, thus 25 minutes for five boxes. Hunter finished making four of the boxes during the same time Chad is working. Hunter needs an additional minute for the final box, making a total of 26 minutes

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time:
My solution has the assumption that Hunter can start making a box even when he doesn't have all 5 boards available. So as soon as board #5 is provided to him, he can finish the box. With this assumption, if Hunter takes 1 minute to build a box out of 5 boards, then the assembly process involves about 12 seconds per board.
Chad is the rate-limiting step. He must make a total of 25 boards, which takes 25 minutes. Hunter is building the boxes as the boards become available. In fact, he could wait until there is a pile of 20 boards before he even does anything, since it only takes him 1 minute to build a box.
Based on the assumption that Hunter has box #5 partially built and is waiting for the very last board to be made by Chad as soon as 25 minutes hits, it will take Hunter another 12 seconds to finish the last box.

I'm going with 25 minutes and 12 seconds.

Who the hell "chops" to make a board?

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