About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 23, 2021


 One Of My Very Own






He is the son of one of my dearest friends...now dead. My friend was a lifelong Democratic operative who spent time in the Carter administration. He and I would take long roadtrips and disagree without being disagreeable. I loved the man.
So much for the apple not falling far from the tree.

One of these pictures is of Dr. Jill Biden and the other is of my wife. You figure it out.


I’m cleaning out my garage if anyone needs 17 mint condition cardboard boxes and a user manual for a cordless phone I donated to Goodwill 13 years ago.



All things Ralph...

A special thanks to all you great viewers who email me blog fodder.

I blame whoever let him shoot it. 
I always try to knock the gun out of the hands of novice shooters to make sure they know it will be a bit of a struggle to control it.

Americans are world champions for continuing to do stupid shit because "that's the way we've always done it."
What could be easier than this?
A child could master that in an hour.

Charging stations will need to become as common as gas stations.

RH: I wish them the best of luck, but I wonder if hybrids will be allowed. I would prefer a hybrid for longer trips.


I can assure you that I know absolutely nothing about that.

That is the rule - not the exception.

It gets worse and worse...
Can anyone identify this tattoo for me?
Reversing it didn't help me...
I'm betting one of you smart motherfuckers will know what that says.

They start so very young...



I've looked for this for 20 years.
I was in Germany only 20 years after WWII and there were still many Nazi coins in circulation. I brought that one home with me and finally found it in a random coin jar after two decades.


There is nothing about that sign that I understand.

No matter whether it's horseshoes, poker, or board games my brother once said that I always play up or down to the competition. Meaning that if my opponent was good I gave them my best game but if they were not good I played like shit.

I do hope that's true.


And why is that legal? Because guys like him donate obscene amounts of money to the campaigns of politicians with the understanding that those politicians will do their bidding.

An Astronomer Who Believes in Aliens Explains Why He's Not Convinced by UFO Sightings

The majority of UFOs appear to people in the United States. It's curious that Asia and Africa have so few sightings despite their large populations, and even more surprising that the sightings stop at the Canadian and Mexican borders.

I think it is more accurate to say "recorded sightings." In most countries, they don't have a central authority to collect all the data.
And I didn't know this...

All for our amusement.

I can hardly wait to see how they deal with the shit going on lately.


At least he's honest.

But it's probably a straight shot to where they want to go.

And the crowd went wild.

"It is what it is."
Remember that guy's superb character in Ferris Bueller's Day Off?

I once mentioned that my first wife had high cheekbones and I thought you might want to see what she looked like on our wedding day.

And today...




Be like Kim.


Speaking of...


12 years old my ass. I've done that in every hotel I've ever stayed in as an adult!

I've never understood adrenalin junkies. To me, the real excitement was leaving a wife and two babies in a mobile home while I go out knowing that if I don't return with some money those people were going to go hungry.



That was a real ball-buster.

Speaking of climbing skills...




If I’m ever murdered, it will be because I said something absolutely perfect to someone with no sense of humor.



My wife and I agreed never to go to bed angry with each other which is why we’ve both been dozing in our matching recliners since January 14, 2013.













Wrekreation said...

3-16-12. Date of Birth?

Steve said...

Puzzle: Streusel, Alfresco

Steve said...

A8: looks like the birth date of his kid.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking John 3:16. Most popular verse in the new testement of the christian bible.

Anonymous said...

The pictures of the two women.....

The top one is your wife.
the bottom one is Jill.

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