One Of My Very Own
Sorry, but they can't all be gems.
Whelp...there goes that defense.
A character in one of my novels was trapped on a farm and needed a way to poison her kidnapper. I called my nephew the pharmacy professor and he told me about locoweed (Astragalus). A concentrated dose may not kill him but will render him so incapacitated that you could, say, drown him.
A favorite tactic of the unscrupulous is to accuse your opponent of doing the exact things you are doing. I heard that man say that he will not allow a vote on the $2000 stimulus checks because he didn't want to enrich the Democrats' rich friends.
How did his pants not combust?
I bet that little scamp will never win another game of Candyland with lesser-loved Daddy.
Me: *looking at a barn full of feed* Who’s all that for?
Farmer: The cattle eat it.
Me: Wow, that’s one hungry cat.
Meanwhile in New Zealand
Traditional rapeseed oil pressing factory
This is a classic Australian game where you peg a bag of cheap and nasty cask wine to a hills hoist (a clothesline) and then spin the clothesline around until it stops. Whomever the bag lands closest to has to drink before spinning the clothesline again. You keep spinning until the bag is gone or you are gone.
"Hills hoist"?
Every Christmas I buy my grandson something that is very difficult to assemble because watching my pissed-off son-in-law struggle to put it together is my Christmas.
Had 2020 been a bread slicer...
Now that it's legal to grow hemp in the United States, a man who's spent the last decade developing hemp "hardwood" is building a $6 million factory to manufacture the product en masse. His patented product called "HempWood" is made out of compressed hemp pulp fibers, held together with a soy-based glue. While that may sound like some newfangled version of particleboard, it's not. It looks and feels like oak, but is actually 20 percent harder than the famous hardwood tree. It also grows 100 times as fast. While it takes an oak tree at least 6 decades to mature, it takes hemp 6 months.
In some states, a shed does not require a building permit. Any building with a gabled roof is not a shed. So many people build that kind of roof.

If you invite me to a party and I don't have a good time I will leave an open can of tuna under your couch.

Do I think that all Trump supporters are cultists? No. Do I think most Trump supporters are cultists? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY!
Don't believe me? Let's take a quiz.
Trump said more people attended his inauguration than ever before. Did you believe that lie?
He said Mexico would pay for the wall. Did you believe that lie?
He said covid was a hoax. Did you believe that lie?
He said masks were overrated. Did you believe that lie?
He actually said we have more covid infections because we test too much. Did you believe that lie?
He suggested we drink bleach. Did you believe that lie?
Let' skip forward a thousand lies to the zinger:
He said he won the election in a landslide. Did you believe that lie?
If so, you must have evidence. Even cultists would want to see the evidence. Well, judge after judge SAW the "evidence" and threw it out of court. Republican states did a recount after a recount and proved over and over that the majority of the voters had rejected Trump. Barr said he lost. McConnell said he lost. Graham said he lost.
And after all that and more if you still believe Trump's assertion that he actually won - then you, my friend, are by definition are a textbook cultist.
And before you stoop to call me a dangerous Socialist liberal Democrat just remember that it was YOUR DOMESTIC TERRORIST BUDDIES WHO ATTACKED MY CAPITAL!!
Nobody bludgeoned a cop after the email lady lost, just saying.
Calling them deplorable was not only accurate but much too kind.
Puzzle time: the obvious answer is the next number in the sequence, which would be 3125, but that wasn't the question.
The answer is "1". If 1=5 then 5 must equal 1.
puzzle first instinct is to go with exponents...5^5=3,125. but the answer is 5=1...the puzzle already told us that on the first line.
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