About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, January 18, 2021

MONDAY #4408

 One Of My Very Own







In case you missed the whole clip concerning an anti-masker getting his comeuppance here it is:


Every day I feel so fortunate for so very many things.



At this late date, how is it that even a semi-intelligent person not understand how an airborne pathogen gets from one diseased body into a healthy one?

This insanity will be diagnosed for years.


Do you remember when anthrax was being mailed to important people and even though many of them died the postal workers still did their jobs? 
Now those same postal workers are being blamed for a problem for which they had no responsibility.
The sabotage of the post offices prior to an election must be investigated.

Nurses working 12 hours a day without a day off for weeks and every time one of them is interviewed they beg their fellow citizens just to wear masks. And half of us say NO!

I see there are STILL people bitching about Greta so I thought I'd post this.





It has always bothered me how quickly Americans adopt any and all fads that come along. 



NPR, Reuters, AP, CNN, Fox News, The BBC...



If marijuana can damage your short-term memory imagine the damage marijuana can do.



When we were dating, my wife kept her heels on during sex because she only painted the toenails that were showing.






Fuck sending nudes. I want a video of you reading a book out loud so I will know you're not a moron. And make sure I can see your lips moving, gotta make sure you have good oral hygiene.

Internet Meme Super Star, the world's kindest soul, has passed from COVID.


There's no manly way to take a bath. You just sit there and watch your dick float in the silence.



[verification needed]


A guy wrote about losing 60lbs and discovered he could finally see his own dick.

In the South, we have a lot of "Dickdos" as in "His stomach sticks out farther than his dick do."

Adding hot food to movie screams is a hot meme format recently.

How they do dat?


I once made my third trip to my toddler's room, gave her a big kiss, and told her that I love her very much but a little less than at 9pm. 




Poker machines are cyclical. I good friend of mine owned a bar with a poker machine and learned when the machine was due to payout. We made a fortune.


What was it supposed to do - turn itself in?


Racing Tardigrades, Because Why Not


"Tardigrades are microscopic creatures that have possibly taken over the lunar surface.  Scientists believe that these animals are now thriving on the moon after an Israeli spacecraft crash-landed on the Moon in 2019. The spacecraft contained a ‘library of life,’ which included a stack of disks archiving 30 million pages of information about Earth, a copy of the entire English-language Wikipedia, human DNA samples, and thousands of tardigrades: Beresheet's strange occupants were dehydrated tardigrades, a process which essentially slows their metabolism down and suspends them in a near-life state. The idea was that, if they were to be rehydrated by someone or something, then they would come back to life, ostensibly telling future lunar explorers about life on Earth today. But the spacecraft carrying the tardigrades didn’t land on the Moon according to plan, instead, it crashed on the lunar surface and lost contact with ground control. Despite the impact, scientists believe that if anything survived the crash intact, it may well have been the tardigrades. The microscopic creatures were sandwiched between micron-thin sheets of nickel and suspended in epoxy, a resin-like preservative that acts like a jelly — potentially enough to cushion their landing. This is not a totally outlandish idea. Tardigrades have been shown to survive the harsh conditions of space in the past."


A Family With No Fingerprints

It seems that not all people get a unique set of swirls at their fingertips. This unique condition, which manifested in Apu Sarker’s family, is a rare genetic mutation. The condition, called Adermatoglyphia, renders people affected with it to have no fingerprints and a reduced amount of sweat glands on their hands.


Have you ever come to the realization that your asshole was cold? Me neither.

Have you ever been to a rave?

Well, that's a rug under a coffee table.


Would you try to reroute the river again?

Making Lego Car CLIMB Obstacles

I could see this as a way of designing future lunar rovers. I think you will enjoy this. I did.


Every culture invents the sword, fried dough, & fermentation. There’s a basic human need to stab someone & then have beer & donuts.



I recently watched a Russian movie that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. The errors drove me nuts.

First, a saboteur floats down a river concealed under random brush all the while being observed by the Germans.

But after blowing up the bridge the debris floats away in the opposite direction.

I notice stuff like that all the time.

A more obvious error was that while being pursued by the whole German army they stop and build a cookfire (lower right).

And look at the barrel positions of two fighters shooting at the same approaching truck which was 50 or so yards away.

To identify friend from foe in the forest they used an add code. The key was 100 so if you hear...
You reply a number that when added to the first equals 100.
We used the exact same method to gain access to the nuclear weapons facility on my Air Force Base. The only difference is that our number changed every day.

I did have to look up a word.

Then there was this gem of wisdom when referring to engagement rings.
I agree completely.

That's why you should always have a third party proofread your work.



People who call themselves "Survivors."

Most causes of those same "Survivors'" woes.



Why was it going that fast in the middle of a city?















The problem is this: ‘for a goat to be able to eat grass in a circle with an area of an exactly one-half acre, how much rope does it need?’ 

The goat problem is a living example of what it means to round off your answer. To illustrate the difference, consider the equation x2 − 2 = 0. One could derive an approximate numerical answer, x = 1.4142, but that’s not as accurate or satisfying as the exact solution, x = √2.

With a few moments of thought, the goat problem quickly turns into an exercise in many intersecting approximations. This is why every answer offered since the 1700s has been an approximation as well.

And now, finally, there’s an exact solution for the first time. Mathematician Ingo Ullisch took a cue from the previous researchers who made progress on the problem. He introduced complex analysis, which is kind of like algebra with an optional imaginary-number add-on. 

The solution: SOURCE LINK




Want to bet which political party this guy belongs to...
Why the fuck is that Biden's job? Why isn't that EVERYBODY'S job...including the Republicans in power?

But there are chinks in their armor...



Pence bragged that Trump was the first president in a long time not to have started a war someplace.

No, he just started a war right here in America.


And don't forget the 400K covid deaths and a vaccine distribution that is in shambles.



Treason's Greetings


Steve said...

Acre=43560 sq ft
1/2 acre=21780 sq ft

Circle area = pi * r**2
21780 = pi * r**2
r**2 = 21780/3.14159...
r**2 = 6932.789321...
r = 83.26337322...

rope length = approximately 83 feet, 3.16 inches

Anonymous said...

the goat problem as presented in your blog isn't really what the goat problem is...according to the link provided, it is the following:
"Here’s a simple-sounding problem: Imagine a circular fence that encloses one acre of grass. If you tie a goat to the inside of the fence, how long a rope do you need to allow the animal access to exactly half an acre?"
This makes the puzzle infinitely more complicated and is why the solution was such a breakthrough.
Steve's solution is the correct answer to the way you posed the problem, but it really isn't the "goat problem".

Burgervan said...

Being a Londoner, I use rhyming slang in everyday life and have always used "Going for a 'Donald Trump', as a way of saying I'm gonna take a Dump! :)

Anonymous said...

A2: I couldn't agree more. Stay safe!

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