One Of My Very Own
That's highly unlikely. But I once had a bare-breasted stripper come over to me and offer a lap dance. I told her she was extremely beautiful, but I had no money, and if she wanted to make money, she should find someone else. She held my face in her hands and kissed me on the forehead and thanked me.
That's when I remembered the $400 in my wallet.
(I made that last part up.)
A parent - much like a teacher - learns to give very clear and unmistakable instructions.
An old woman kept calling her niece whose number was one digit off from mine. I tried for weeks to correct her error then in exasperation I called the niece and begged her to solve the problem. That niece got the old lady a phone with a dialup feature...problem solved.
After about a week I get a call from the old lady who said she missed me and hoped I was doing well.
I liked that movie. She's a linguist who was tasked with communicating with aliens.
That last one is an elaborate cave painting.
I am not familiar with that movie but it sounds like I would enjoy it.
I'm going to be so pissed if ghosts are real and I still have to interact with people after I'm dead.

Boy, did I get that wrong!
That woman believes in every insane conspiracy theory that a 14-year-old can post on Qanon.
And the same guy said:
And your point is? At least they are trying.
Are you listening, Bezo?
Why don't they just look up the definition?
Yeah, go ahead and list them for me.
My beloved Medicare took nary a freedom from me.
Yes, gay people and straight people can be best friends...
And I think that's a good thing.
Think about how revolutionary this character was at the time.
It's HOMOsapiens, not HETEROsapiens. It's BI-ble, not STRAIGHT-ble. It's not "Queer to hell", it's "Straight to hell."
I am of the opinion that war should be the ultimate last resort.
A Jewish couple in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1942.
But genocide is cause for that ultimate last resort.
But remember genocide is caused less by evil men than by good men who do nothing.
Vintage home radiator plate warmer
When eating my Spinach Gorgonzola sauce on a steak is the only time I insist on having a warm plate - to keep the sauce from congealing too soon.
It's time to indulge in some end of the world debauchery. Who's up for an orgy?
"Thanks, mate."
- the duck probably
I can't look at that logo without thinking it looks like a football helmet.
Xmas 2020
Want to guess the backstory for this?
This family got locked out of their laundry room so the mom went down the chute.
This face tells me this was not her idea.
Cosco speaks its mind...
Feel old?
Oh, hell fucking no!
Yeah, I got it wrong too.
Do you think he meant to do that?
Who uses a red font on a gray background?
Get it?
I've seen a lot of those memes around, but I dont get them. In order to fit with the "elf on a shelf" them, what ever they are on or with must contain the entire word plus at leadt one letter proceeding it.
Elf on a shelf. Elf is a subset of shelf.
Mandalorean on a delorean is backward. Mandalorean is not a subset of delorean.
Vader of a tater. Heck, that one's way off.
Boba Fett on a vette. Other than rhyming, not even close.
Yoda on a toyota. Closer, but still not a perfect match.
A Mandelorian on a Delorean, and a Vader on a tater. Bit of a stretch, but good effort.
Mandalorian with a DeLorean
Vader on a tater
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