About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 7, 2021


 One Of My Very Own





Here's what running out of oxygen would mean:

Nurse in Egypt ICU collapses as oxygen ran out and all covid patients died.

If you've ever asked yourself 'How bad can it get' then you really need to watch this short clip.




My first wife had high cheekbones like that and she was drop-dead beautiful. My present wife does not have high cheekbones and she is infinitely more beautiful.

Is he referring to his penis? Otherwise, I don't get it.

Gigantic man-baby has a tantrum on Costco's floor over having to wear a mask.


This long-haul trucker has lunch figured out.


I get many of my best ideas from the internet.





Alabama Plot Twist: Was all the same woman.

*Banjos Intensify*



That baby is too damn close.

With friends like this...


Why does leaf burning deserve filming unless the explosion was expected?


I don't think that's his first rodeo.


A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.




Places With Roads



"...clicking on me."

Just please don't tell me it's Photoshopped.

It's Christmas week, you're 18 years old, 4,000 miles from your family and friends, and it's freezing cold. 

By the afternoon of December 21, 1944, all seven main roads to Bastogne were cut off by German troops, and by midnight American units in the city were surrounded. They were outnumbered by about five to one and also lacked warm clothing. They also had so little supplies and ammunition that on December 22, 1944, artillery ammunition was limited to ten rounds per gun per day. 

Bad weather meant that the defenders of the city could not be supported or supplied by the air. The Germans had also captured most of the Allied medical supplies and personnel. The situation looked bleak, but they held their ground. In an attempt to change the situation, German General von Lütwitz sent a surrender message to the "USA Commander" on December 22, 1944, at 11:30 am, delivered by four of his men under a white flag. General Anthony McAuliffe of the 101st Airborne Division, still half asleep read the note and exclaimed "Aw, nuts." So they wrote: “To the German commander. NUTS! The American commander.” 





Another case of Brazilian racism



The last time this country experienced this level of civil unrest the music was a whole lot better.



More little people assemblages


What the snail experienced...






I've only seen Flying Fish that look like this...
And this one looks like it has legs!

Let them eat snake.

FINALLY! I've been advocating that for all invasive species.

For showing off those magnificent breasts?

Japanese typewriter featuring 1172 characters (the 1940s)

See it in action: HERE

This is a kit that converts an ordinary bike into a snow bike.

The European Space Agency (ESA) is planning on deploying a giant-clawed robot scavenger in Earth's orbit that will grab space junk and toss it into a decaying orbit where it will burn up in the Earth's atmosphere.



People often forget that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own.



Think about the Muslims in China today.



NOTE: I don't completely agree with everything I placed in this Ponder This section. I just ask you to think about it.


Sears and Roebuck did something equally sinister back in the 50s and 60s. Here is their scam.
They order a modest number of red wagons. They sell out so the next year the order is doubled. In the third year, the order jumps 10 fold so the owner of the red wagon manufacturing company has to expand his business and buy new machinery. The next year Sears orders none. But the manufacturer borrowed money to expand his facility and goes bankrupt. That's when Sears swoops in and buys the factory, machinery and rehires most of the staff and now Sears manufactures their own red wagons.
They used this method for batteries, tires, tools, etc.

Think peer review.

Peer review is just another way to say "Prove it."


"I've got mine so fuck the rest of America" seems to be the motto of far too many citizens.


Fuck the Plague Rats.











What is an appropriate title for this song?
(There is more than one answer - I made it up myself.)


David said...

A-2. In the movie Remy the rat controlled all his actions. Hes got game!

Inchworm said...

A-2 Remy is the rat in the chef's hat. Pulling hair like a marionette's strings.

Scott James said...

Puzzle time: a quick nap

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