About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


 One Of My Very Own






After Puzzle Time


I won all of my bets on Alabama even giving 
OS +8.


World view you might open up to: _ _ _A_

Beat box: _E_ _ _ _O_ _

Leaders of the pack: _ _ _ _

Counting tools: _ _A_ _

Clishmaclaver or bavardage: _O_ _I_

Fan group: _ _A_E_

The plus side: _ _ _E_ _

Dating notation: _ _E

Serve well: _ _E

And my favorite:

Dubbing need: _ _O_ _




When considering everything there is know, it is quite obvious that you can not - could not - know it all. I think the correct approach to take is to minimize your chances of being wrong. 
That almost always involves giving no weight to what you want to be correct and delving deeply into all sides of the argument. I am not always successful at this method, but by god, I try.

This person makes my point.
He wanted it to be true so he just made up a scenario where he is correct.

Is it pronounced with a long A or a short A?
I would go back to whoever coined the phrase.


I shiver just watching that.

A painting that tells a story that I was not provided.


If and when you ever use that word in conversation I want you to think of me.


Why do we need all these charities? Why are we bombarded with TV ads begging for money to care for children with cancer, disabled vets,etc, etc.? Why aren't these most basic of human needs the responsibility of the government?


What a wonderful segue to the next section.


You need to thank your dad for bringing you into being because your mom was probably not even in the mood.



That's my signature move.






What a gentleman.


I just going to assume that cat-eater is an alien talking dog.

I used to fuck with my dogs like that all the time.


You may have to open the next three in new tabs...if you want to view them.



Sneak Level: 100

NOTE: I don't understand why some gifs load and some do not even if they are the same size.


Now THAT is a dog lover!

I'm not all that proud of that section but I have been making art every day and I'm running into problems and don't have much time.


A good way to find out if you're truly old is to fall in the street. If people laugh you're still young. If they rush to help you you're old.



♫The geese go marching one by one, hurrah! Hurrah!♫

Do you think they had to be trained to do that?

Service members do shit like that all the time.

A glitch in the Matrix...


Clamshell headlights on the 1965 Buick Riviera.

My engineer father would just say, "Just more moving parts to break."



“"Shirtception" - his favorite gift every year from his brother. They're now at level 7.


Speaking of shirts...

Star Trek fans will understand.



Hail Storm


Reading is just staring at a dried piece of pulverized wood for hours and hallucinating.



I fall for stuff like that every damn time.


Did it come out of the toilet or is it a result of a drip from the ceiling? Stalactite or stalagmite as it were?
This could be a hint:


Imagine trying to land a plane through one of those.

*MNBT but an effective illustration.





Would somebody care to explain how the dog got up there?


Every damn time.


World view you might open up to: ATLAS


Leaders of the pack: ACES

Counting tools: ABACI

Clishmaclaver or bavardage: GOSSIP

Fan group: BLADES

The plus side: ASSETS

Dating notation: BCE

Serve well: ACE

Dubbing need: SWORD



Sage advice that.

Those zany Arabs.









Words from a truly wise man
If you look up the traits of cultists MAGA people check every box.

Just in case you still think white surpremacy doesn't exist...



Have you ever wondered how the FBI created their Domestic Terrorists no-fly list so quickly?


Lauren Boebert, the congresswoman who has been accused of live-tweeting Nancy Pelosi’s location during the attack on the Capitol.

They beat...a pliceman...with an American flog.

Don't believe me? Ask this guy.

This is the individual the FBI is seeking as a person of interest in connection with the murder of the Capitol Hill police officer.

I guess blue lives matter was a way to say black lives don’t.


Why are we constantly asked to forgive people who aren't sorry?



This guy was made for internet spoofery.


Anonymous said...

puzzle time...the passage contains every letter of the alphabet

weaponoffishdestruction@gmail.com said...

Puzzle time: That sentence utilizes every letter of the alphabet.

Scott James said...

A4: I once worked for a german company and spent some time there each summer. The first time I visited I struggled to find a way to tell the server thst I wanted "still" water, not carbonated.
The winning moment was when I wrote:
H2O + CO2 and then drew an "X" through CO2.
She exclaimed, "ahhh! No Gas!", and I got my regular ole tap water.

Anonymous said...

A3: Choosy developers choose gif

Anonymous said...

Sage advice: True dat

Burgervan said...

D8: It's the Dog's tent! :)

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