One Of My Very Own
BACKSTORY, damnit! We demand a backstory!
He should have stood in bed.
Here's a sample:
I ain't a killer but don't push me
Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to getting pussy
Why it's a bad idea to be fluent in physics.
In Saving Private Ryan there was a scene where the troops took turns complaining until one of them did it right and Tom Hanks suggests the others pay attention because "That's how you gripe." Well, I got this comment and feel the same way about it:
"First of all Fuck Trump, I've been following your blog daily for years but this and you're right about most shit. Post your humor and absurdities and stay out of politics. Love you man, I really do respect your judgments. It's hard to get past this polarizing moment. Let's live and let live, no matter the context."
I hear your pain and am ready to let Trump go forever. He lost and will soon be replaced and I must move on. I do, however, keep my social consciousness in matters such as these:
But there will be no postings of snide remarks like this:
So he admits he couldn't make America great again?
And I even agree to cease posting political cartoons like this:
And, of course, the pandemic is fair game.
But I'm not sure where to draw the line when it comes to awful people in public life. If these next items cross the line please let me know.
WARNING: I wrote all that two weeks ago and much has changed. I no longer agree to silence my decent while this lunatic is trying to destroy my country.
Don't believe me?
Please listen to Trump in his own words:
A true hero emerged...Eugene Goodman. The man who saved the Senate.
The real MVPs are the little Jewish kids who never told us that Santa wasn't real.
Roman sea swimming pool:
Cala Furia, near Livorno, Italy
Snow Hotel in Switzerland
I'm confused as to how the food chain works in Australia.
A father-in-law made a mud pie kitchen for grandkids out of reclaimed wood...
I think he's removing debris that could clog the pump. I also think it's genius that the thrust of the pump propels the boat.
I broke that clip down frame for frame to see the initial explosion.
This was the first frame.
An extraordinary discovery in Pompeii - an untouched "street food" shop with "food in pots".
The best defense is a good offense and the best offense is fire.
- Gen. Sherman
Shit, the hoomans are home...
Every Christmas his sister got him a weapon from Clue. The collection is now complete.
Family Feast
When I slow-cooked a pork shoulder I always put a pan of water under it like that, but I never thought of cooking a side dish in that water.
A pizza restaurant opened in Bitburg, Germany while I was stationed there. On our first visit, I asked for a pizza with everything on it. The Germans had no idea what that meant so in broken Germany and pantomime I managed to communicate that the pizza should be topped with a little bit of everything in the kitchen. When it came out it had everything - including lettuce and three fried eggs.
PS: That is the first image I have seen of something similar in 50 years.
Paper Pot Planting
SOURCEThat's cool and all but I think about the three or four workers now unemployed due to that one little machine.

During 20 years of teaching public school, I have been accosted by dozens of black women every time I discipline their sons and they all performed that little neck dance thing.
If you put one lasagna on top of another lasagna it's no longer two lasagnas but one giant lasagna. This is the power of lasagna.
Arkansas State Trooper just goes for it.
Unless it was known that the person is a felon who had committed a heinous crime I would outlaw that.
That young lady draws pictures of her dreams...or so we are told.
Did her reaction time seem a bit slow and inadequate to you? I mean the kid saw it coming three seconds before impact.
Russia then and now ( 2010, 2020 )
Smiling cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin
Does anybody really care what nationality Magellan was? Or Neil Armstrong? They are two examples of people who changed mankind and their feats should stand alone without being referenced to where they happened to have been born. I feel the same way about Mr. Gagarin.
I'll just leave this here.
The many faces of Gary Oldman.
Be careful when you research and don't typo in "Gay Old Man".
The Russian airliner rescued at top speed.
Did you notice the guy going back in?!?
I'm not finished.
More opinions of others.
That's because we have been paying attention to you, you whiney bastard.
The man who demands loyalty offers none.And that is the crux of the problem.
There has never been a more scrutinized election in American History.
State, Federal, and Supreme Court judges were presented with NO credible evidence of election fraud.
Democratic and Republican election officials in multiple states found no fraud.
I could go on and on, but you have watched the news the same as I have.
But Trump repeats the same lie over and over and over - and lo and behold some people believe it.
But it's not a new concept:
A big lie (German: große Lüge) is a propaganda technique used for political purposes. The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously". But, no, I am not calling Trump Hitler...Trump just uses some of Hitler's techniques.
Let me be crystal clear - THE ELECTION WAS NOT STOLEN!
The Stop The Steal organization was founded in 2016 in preparation for a possible Trump defeat.
Look it up if you don't believe me.
Don't commit felonies that could put you in jail for decades because of a lie.
Don't embarrass your country on the world stage because of a lie.
Don't murder the Republican Party because of a lie.
Don't make your future grandchildren ashamed of you because of a lie.
Lastly, when you hear something that you suspect could be a lie you MUST ask them to prove it.
Election fraud has not and can not be proved because it is a lie told by a desperate man who will do anything to stay in power.
Try to sleep well, Gentle Reader.
Puzzle time: nothing
The answer is "nothing"
I can think of NOTHING for the answer.
C4 Excellent!
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