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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 12, 2021

FRIDAY #4433

 One Of My Very Own




I'm planning a painting of a list all the books my grandson should read before graduating high school. This is the list I've made so far. If you can think of a book I should have included please let me know via email or comment.

Thank you more than you know.


A Farewell to Arms

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

A Streetcar Named Desire

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Alice's Adventure in Wonderland

All Quiet on the Western Front

Animal Farm

Anna Karenina

Brave New World

Brothers Karamazov

Call of the Wild

Cannery Row


Catcher in the Rye

Charlotte's Web

Crime and Punishment

David Copperfield

Don Quixote

Fahrenheit 451 


Grapes of Wrath

Great Expectations

Gulliver's Travels

Harry Potter

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Invisible Man

Jane Eyre

Little Women


Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Rings

Madame Bovary

Moby Dick

Pilgrim's Progress

Pride and Prejudice

Robinson Crusoe

The Alchemist

The Count of Monte Cristo

The Great Gatsby

The Handmaid’s Tale

The Kite Runner

The Scarlet Letter

The Sound and the Fury

The Sun Also Rises

The Trial

The Plague

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

To Kill a Mockingbird

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Vanity Fair

War and Peace

Wuthering Heights







Most of the time when I see someone I haven't seen in a while they just assumed I was in jail.



This was a very interesting photo-essay.
I was drawn to the bullet holes around that door and window. There were hundreds of similar bullet-scarred windows in Germany and France when I was there in 1965. 

January 1991: The skies over Baghdad light up with anti-aircraft fire as U.S. and coalition warplanes strike the Iraqi capital. Operation Desert Storm was underway...and we watched it live on TV.

And to think Stealth bombers flew through that with nary a scratch.

19 August 1991: A pro-democracy demonstrator fights with a Soviet soldier on top of an armored personnel carrier parked in front of the Russian Federation building after a coup toppled Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.

Is that what's in store for America? Many people are betting on it.

October 1945: The USS Missouri passing through the Panama Canal. 

Can we assume the ship was designed to fit through that very canal...just barely?

The 1920s: Three “housecars” as they were known then, two from Minnesota and one from the Dakotas.

So they could stop wherever they wanted and they stopped there? Shows a total lack of adventure if you ask me.


In 1945, the Auschwitz death camp was discovered and liberated by the Red Army during the Vistula-Oder offensive, carried out January 12 - February 3, 1945, to complete the liberation of Poland.

The next time you see a Trump Neo-Nazi on TV I want you to think of that picture and what it means to be Nazi.

A French woman pours tea for a British soldier fighting in Normandy, 1944.


24 January 1915: The German armored cruiser SMS Blücher capsized and sinking after being hit by gunfire from British warships at the Battle of DoggerBank. Her sides are covered with desperate sailors trying to save themselves before the ship completely goes down.


[verification needed]


1993: Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh selling bumper stickers with pro-gun, anti-government slogans outside the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas during the federal siege.

He would have attended every single Trump rally.

The Tomb of the Unknown soldiers has been guarded 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year regardless of weather conditions. As a matter of fact, there has been a guard on duty every second of every minute of every hour of every day since July 2, 1937.

My dear friend Billy was a guard at the Tomb after he got too shot up in Vietnam to fight anymore. When his wife found him dead on the living room floor I was the first person she called after 911 and her children. I cried like a baby. He was a good man and I really miss him.


For $5 I will tell you when to use "Less" or "Fewer". For $6 I won't explain why.

Well, not the big one.


Am I the only one on the planet who didn't know the MS in MSNBC stands for Microsoft?

No wonder there are so many conspiracy theories by conservatives about him putting chips in the vaccines.


1968: Janis Joplin photographed by Richard Avedon for Vogue.

She was a world treasure. Not exactly a role-model, but her music rocked.

Famed actor, philanthropist, and husband of 50 years, Paul Newman was born in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio (1925)

And that's some really good salad dressing.

1993: Quentin Tarantino, Harvey Keitel, and a couple of dorks on the set of Pulp Fiction.

I have yet to watch another movie with the scenes presented out of chronological order. What a neat trick that was very effective.


You MUST try to identify this woman...
Go back and look at it again!
Here's a hint...

I think we all agree with him. I mean, who could have played this role besides her? 
Nobody that's who.

Grace Kelly in Jamaica, 1955

Princess of Monaco wasn't a bad gig.



Example #1

Example #2
Dear Racist Bastards, 
We need ALL the brains we can get.


Adulthood is just saying "if I can just get through this week" over and over again until you die.

That shit has been going on since we invented war.


That happens way too often for them all to be "accidents."


This guy is very clever. Give it a try if you like:

And he WANTED that filmed!


An iceman with a side of sass.


Watch carefully...

What the hell is his left hand grabbing onto?


The entire world can not understand why the citizens of the richest country in history has to resort to such measures...just to get healthcare.


This is about HALF of his dad’s unbuilt model kits.

Can anyone offer an explanation for that?
I can.
A big titted girl worked in the model store.

Think of the flora and fauna destroyed by his one little joyride.

He took his dog parasailing. What must that dog be thinking?

Millions have been brainwashed into voting against their own self-interest.

Every study proved it was not effective. 
I say fuck 'em. They should have listened to Fauci instead of Trump.

What many people don't know is that you can earn college credits while you serve in the military. While I was in Germany I earned 15 hours and my cost was next to nothing.
I also remember that my friends earned their pilot's license for only $300.

That young man is fighting for his life.
Think about that - his very existence is in jeopardy and he will pay any price to survive.

But by contrast, we have people that do not value their existence.
This is the way I would fight for my prime directive of self-preservation:
But I have no idea if that advice is of any value to people contemplating self-harm.
I wish I had better advice, but therapy is a must.
If I am ever told that then my years of blogging would have been worth it.

I'm impressed!







Wait until the very end...






Scott James said...

Books: Slaughterhouse-Five, also known as The Children's Crusade.
By an author you have frequently mentioned on this blog.

Anonymous said...

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress R.Heinlein

I've worn out copies, listened to it and read it online.


David said...

Books for your grandson.

Watership down - my favorite book even as an adult

Where the red fern grows - great dog story. Made me cry as a kid

The shining - best horror

The old man and the sea


Why are you so obsessed with race? Long ago I stopped being aware of a person's colour or race.

Inchworm said...

C 10 Why do people collect anything? Beanie Babies, stamps, Pokemon, coins, commemorative plates, rock band T-shirts. Whatever floats your boat, as long as it doesn't harm anyone.
The pursuit of a rare or interesting item, the thrill of the 'hunt' is what some get off on, not the construction of the model.

Plod said...

Scenes presented out of chronological order movies. Try English Patient and Memento:

You're welcome

Anonymous said...

The Forever War by Joe Haldeman

Anonymous said...

Fight Club - the film is great but the book is better. I don’t know how many times I’ve read it and enjoyed it and possibly learnt from it.

His left hand is grabbing onto wire rigging which is too thin to see at that resolution.
DO NOT GRAB ONTO WIRE RIGGING it is horrible stuff. If one strand in the rope has broken (and they do break) it will tear your hand open. Imagine a rusty 1” nail, that’s not a bad approximation of what will be sticking out somewhere. Be especially careful about brushing past wire ropes or rubbing along the rope.

Learn the hard way so you don’t have to.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe you of all people left off the bible from your list.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Algeria, Luxembourg, Hungary

Steve said...



Anonymous said...

"a book"
Singular? Nominating only one book for such an important list?! I tried, but couldn't pare to just one.
Not knowing the grandson's tastes and preferences:

Watchmen - Alan Moore
Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf
Atonement - Ian McEwan
Neuromancer - William Gibson
Revolutionary Road - Richard Yates

And most anything by Heinlein, depending...

Anonymous said...

Aruba (part of The Netherlands)

Anonymous said...

Well if he is going to start his own library, he'll need a few more and of course, a magazine section.

Burgervan said...

A book. 'VIZ-Sexist Book of Records'. Funniest book i've EVER read!

Burgervan said...

C5 ALSO: the sun... KING. nuvva wun wot the beatles dun! hahaha

Burgervan said...

C7 His left hand is holding a wire support. When Videos are compressed as much as that, the codec misses out a SHITLOAD of detail. Especially thin wires, ropes etc!

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