About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 26, 2021

FRIDAY #4447

 One Of My Very Own













Well, where is she supposed to learn all her tricks - a pamphlet?!

The little guy who puts the pins on Google Maps?









Movie Idea:

A small-town farm boy goes to the big city and falls in love with a hotshot lawyer who convinces him to move into the city and start hating Christmas.



That one is totally beyond me. Anyone?


I thought it had something to do with her hair.



I at first thought it was a hot dog.







This filled me with foreboding then I noticed why...







At first, I thought that the years were backward. 




Do you know why a man asks for a woman's hand in marriage? Because he's tired of using his own.





How very clever.


It looks stable to me.

Wouldn't you think that they first made those out of wood to perfect the design?

The shadows are wonderful.

Zaouli de Manfla

Zaouli is a traditional dance of the Guro people of central Ivory Coast. The Zaouli mask, used in the dance, was created in the 1950s, reportedly inspired by a girl named "Djela Lou Zaouli". However, stories on the origins of the mask are varied, and each mask can have its own symbolic history.



Learning new skills takes time...
Some people take much longer than others.

Animal husbandry is a valuable skill...


A good way to get out of a conversation is to take off one of your socks and hand it to the person talking.



🎶Here comes the rain🎶


Kane Tanaka was born in 1903 and celebrated her 118th birth this January. 

That same year Kane was born, the first flight of the Wright Flyer, December 17, 1903.





I posted this a couple of weeks ago.
And then I ran across this...


Watch carefully...
Australia or Florida?

But we get to buy alcohol.


Sitting in your car outside of your house is self-care. I can't explain it but if you know you know.



The most valuable thing for the families of our soldiers is to know that they are alive and well. Any news from the front line - a call, a message, or a photo - gives their loved ones the strength to hold on, to believe that soon their family member will return home.

That is why the soldiers who defend Ukraine with 72d Separate Mechanized brigade named after Black Cossacks of Ukrainian Armed Forces send their greetings to their loved ones. For them, this is an extra opportunity to reassure their families. 

^ This soldier says: "I am sending my greetings to my sister, brother, my uncles,  one of them is also here,  my grandmother, my aunts, friends, hello all, everything is all right."

^ "Hello, Ukraine.  I want to send greetings to all my family,  mother, brothers, the people I know. Everything is all right here,  do not worry about us, wait for us, we will come home."

^ "Hello to my beloved family, my beloved Ukraine.  Hello to my family, to my friends, to all the people I know. Everything is all right here.  Wait for us. I miss you very much.  Hello to you all."

^ "Hello to Ukraine, my family, people who are close to me, friends, we are all right, wait for us to come home with a victory."

I just don’t understand how this literal war isn’t getting more attention.

My problem is that I'm a funny guy and most people visit Folio Olio for the giggles. But I'm also a passionate guy who gets pissed off at injustices no matter where I find them.
With the events in America recently my attention has been glued to the dangerous situation my republic finds itself.
With that said let me just say that I have not forgotten my friends in Ukraine and their life and death struggle against their aggressive neighbor.  
Stay safe, my friends.




Beware the eave.


Hey, Dude, it's been 2020 years. Is that what you call soon?






Anonymous said...

A road map tells you everything except how to refold it.

Start on the third column, fifth row.

D'Ascoyne said...

Lyrics from the catchy 70's disco song, "Le Freak" by Chic. It begins, "Freak out! Le Freak. C'est Chic." I guess it does sound like, "Free Grout."

D'Ascoyne said...

That just tells me a lot of American youths are so spoiled and entitled they wouldn't give a damn about their country unless there is something in it for them.

David said...

By chic

Ah, freak out!
Le freak, c'est chic

Anonymous said...

D8: looks like an american aligator. Most likely in Louisiana due to the rice field it is in.

Anonymous said...

B1: From an old song "Le Freak".
The chorus sounded likecthey said "free grout" instean of " freak out". See below.

Ah freak out
Le freak, c'est chic
Freak out
Ah freak out
Le freak, c'est chic
Freak out
Ah freak out

Burgervan said...

B16 We call it "Council Pop", because it comes through the tap (Faucet) provided by Lewisham Council!

Anonymous said...

Sitting in your car outside of your house is self-care. Unless you're drunk. Then you might be looking at a DUI.

David said...

D'ascoyne that reply tells me you're a privileged asshole that makes the absolute wrong conclusions

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