About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, February 6, 2021


 One Of My Very Own







Did she think nobody would check?


My wife asked if we could bet $5 on the Super Bowl. This is more extraordinary than you know. By luck of the draw, I have Kansas City.




The 8-track is to today's stereos like what a girlfriend is to a wife: an earlier, better version.








[verification needed]



Here's what Bernie Sanders did about racial injustice.
What are you doing about it?


If only someone could have predicted this.








This is the way you stop corporations from buying your government.
Just a few examples of corporate malfeasance:


Psychiatric medications are not intended to cure your problems. They are to keep you from being the problem.



Remember when everyone hated Nazis?

People like him now feel comfortable posting photos like this.


Enforce The Ban On Militias


Qanon should embarrass every sane person on the planet.

When flat earthers think you are nuts...



But hope is in the air...

Well, we found the crux of their logic...
Pure ignorance. Do you remember all the times I've discussed the importance of developing critical thinking skills? Well, that was the opposite of that.


It's already tonight? What next? Tomorrow? Fuck this.




I once read (and shared) that you can ascertain the health of the government by counting the potholes.

Fuck that opportunist bastard.

Could somebody explain that to me?
PS: I'm pretty sure now it's for taking IN oxygen not keeping OUT covid.


That is a chain!

Notice all the missed arrows on the ground around the target.

It reminds me of a bag of Quikcrete left on the ground in the shed too long.


Here's the link if you would like to listen to it:

His face...

I'm assuming a movie prop.


A Moonrock now in the Oval Office

Did Trump deny the moon landing, too? I can't remember.

How clever. It would be a shame if somebody burned it up...a little by little.


Just for our amusement.

Speaking of stuff hanging from a truck...

A great save!

I just hate it when that happens to me.

That's what I wanted them to do but I had too many large low limb and they had to just dump the whole load at the end of my driveway. Do you have any idea how many wheelbarrow loads it takes to spread it out by hand? 354 billion.

I've made love to dozens of women with one of those at the head of the bed.

Seriously. Does anyone have a clue?












Scott James said...

He's not the brightest porch light on the block.

Anonymous said...

C4 CPAP masks for sleep apnea.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: He's not the brightest porch light on the block. (The two letters not used are the X's top left and bottom right).


RON said...

2'1 3 3 9 5 5 2 3 5
He's not the brightest porch light on the block

Inchworm said...

C4 Those are for CPAP machines. For sleep apnea.

Steve said...

He's not the brightest porch light on the block.

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