About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

SUNDAY #4428

 One Of My Very Own









I will admit that there is a whole lot about gerrymandering that I don't understand but what I do know is that in South Carolina districts were carved out to ensure black representation. The result was to ensure a Republican lock on the state.

[verification needed]


Sanity may well prevail.

So Biden... When is this fucker getting fired so we can get our mail again?

Fired?! He needs to be prosecuted!


How vaccines work...for dummies...


What a great name.
I once met a teenager named Wolfgang. He was a drummer in a traveling rock band but so young that his mother insisted on traveling with the band. 
Anyway, I asked him, "So, you are a drummer in a rock band and your mother named you Wolfgang?"
When he nodded I screeched, "Have you thanked her?!

If only it was that easy.

My biggest reward for completing tasks is marking them off my list.

The students should get a discount.

A friend of mine told me about a threesome he had. I wanted details. He said the woman was on her hands and knees and while he was fucking her from behind she performed oral sex on the other guy. I asked, "What did you look at?" And my friend said he just kept his eyes closed.

I think prohibiting such sites as Parler is a bad idea for the same reason I'm not in favor of prohibiting the N-word.

Without clues how are we supposed to identify the racists?



Traditions are just peer pressure from dead people.



As of Jan. 24, this is the entire package of covid vaccines that has come to Ecuador.

So rich people live and poor people die?


The first man to get a total hand transplant with axillary joints

This is Guðmundur Felix. He lost both of his hands in a work accident in January 1998 when he was 26 years old. 

He finally got the call that he would be getting new hands, 23 years after the accident. This photo was taken at the hospital in Leon. Everything looks good and all his fingers have good blood flow. This is the first time a hand transplant has been done where the shoulder joints are transplanted with the hands. The problem with this transplant is that the donor body had to be alive (but brain dead) so the hands could survive the transplant. 

Hopefully, he will have a great recovery!


Astronomers have confirmed the existence of the planet "Proxima B", which was first discovered in 2016 and is 4.2 light-years away from the sun, making it the closest planet to us like Earth. According to scientists, the mass of "Proxima B" is 1.17 times the mass of the Earth, and is located in the habitable zone around the star "Proxima Centauri".



Moods under two administrations...
This is what a conservative site has to say about it:
Dr. Fauci a dipshit. Wow.


I need more information on this.

Happy Face Crater, Mars


Hostile Architecture to warn future civilizations not to dig up nuclear waste.

I watched a documentary about that very thing. They recommended huge stainless "thorns" (bottom left) to be buried all around the waste.
But then I thought about the years modern man have been digging on Oak Island while assuming that anything that well-protected must be very valuable.

Orchidometer. Want to guess what it's used for?

Used for sizing testicles



Darth Vader ruled an entire galaxy, Voldemort couldn't even take over a high school.



I had a friend who knew he was dying of cancer.

He never stopped drinking and pledged not to take pain pills to atone for all my sins.

He owned a series of black nightclubs and taught me the best pocket gun was a 38 without a hammer - so there was nothing to snag on the way out. Yeah, he had probably seen some shit.

Anyway, the no meds pledge lasted only until his first bout with the pain only cancer can serve.


It was obviously a clever but still a ballsy move.

Launch of a ship, France, La Seyne-sur-Mer, 1896. Shipyard of the Société des Forges et Chantiers de la Méditerranée.

Only half of them had the situational risk assessment that told them to move back.

All things Ralph...
And he was a nuke guy, also.

Well, if this is any indication...
She has the important things all figured out.

Alan King once asked her, "Why are you so open about talking about your cosmetic surgeries?"

And Dolly replied, "Cause people like you to keep asking me about it."

Another time a newslady asked, "Why, Dolly, have you don't something different with your hair?"

And Dolly replied, "Why this ain't my hair! It's a wig!


Don't give up on this too soon.
If I were younger I would try to talk my wife into trying that method.

Just cause you have the tools, doesn’t mean you know how to use them.

I am 100% certain that he was told to get the ladder and get that rag down.

Wait for this father's gut wrench...


I'm an American. I bleed Red, White, and Blue because I can't afford the COPAY to see my doctor.



And that's why I like to sit by the window.


One of my favorite movies of all time!


Did you find the Heart of Stone?
Top left

I think I'm starting to feel the mushrooms...


These were two clues in an old crossword
And the answers were...
Here are the two definitions I prefer:
Olio: A miscellaneous collection of things.
Folio: A leaf of pages forming a bound volume.

That reminds me of the British guy who made a crossword only days before D-Day that had not only two of the beach codes but the code for the whole operation.

After intense questioning, he was released.


 During a photo-essay of the life of a tall ship sailor...

I saw these:
I boxed several of those floats in one of my preserving artifacts pieces.
But in all honesty, I cut mine from a net that washed up on the beach.

Concord, 1976-2000

I would think there would be a good chance for sensory overload.


Reminds me of my honeymoon. Best four minutes of my life.

I need your help.

A history program explained how the peace sign was not an invention of US hippies in the 60s but rather British nuclear disarmament protesters in the 50s. It was stated that the symbol was made by combining two naval symbols for N and D (nuclear disarmament) however, I can not find any such naval code. Anybody?


Rebar straightening machine

Would that weaken it?

The lady and the bear
She was MUCH cooler than I would have been.

Do you think that was made more dramatic by the camera angle?












Scott James said...

I emailed you the flag signals that make the peace sign.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: Roquefort, limberger, cheddar

Steve said...



Orda (Hungarian cheese)

Burgervan said...

D6 BULLSHIT! OMAHA Doesn't link with the OVERLORD answer!!! :)

Ralph Henry said...

WHAAAAAAT?! Are you high?

Anonymous said...

Your PSA: You saying we should not pump our tires in black neighborhoods? That's racist. Welcome to the new america. LOL

Anonymous said...

Your right..Burgervan man high in his van....his reading comprehension could use some help. Maybe more text and fewer memes.

Burgervan said...

I didn't explain myself properly. Have a look at the answers given in the pictures provided. If these answers are in the SAME crossword then 3 down (OMAHA) doesn't fit with OVERLORD which runs through the bottom of 3 down's answer! However, if they are from two different crosswords then I was under the impression they weren't as per the introductive text! :)

Burgervan said...

OH! and also, PHUCK OPHPH, the pair of ya! hahaha :)

Anonymous said...

A1: Congressional Districts 6 (Clyburn)and 2 (Wilson) is one interesting case in Columbia, SC. If you live south of Rosewood Dr or west of Saluda/S Saluda Ave you are in District 6. If you live north of Rosewood and east of Saluda/S Saluda you are in District 2. Clyburn is African American and Wilson is not. Here's a link to the Fair Maps Project that is a bipartisan effort in SC to address gerrymandering.

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