About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, February 13, 2021


  One Of My Very Own







They Stormed the Capitol. Their Apps Tracked Them.

Times Opinion was able to identify individuals from a trove of leaked smartphone location data.





Anchor Chain

Bose noise-canceling toilet



Bald Eagles' Nest

I think that was a recreation.


It's like three aces always beating two aces. Duh.
If 4000 people a day were dying from filthy water I'm sure most people would start filtering it. I would filter it more than once. Same thing.

Remington Typewriter Mechanism

Think of the trial and error required.


Since I once won a bet on that very thing I smile whenever I see it.

Took me a minute to realize it was on a ferry in rough waters.


One night the Viking Rudolph the Red looked out the window and said, "It's going to rain."

His wife asked, "How do you know?"

To which her husband answered, "Because Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear."



Claes Oldenburg

Who said serious art can't be silly, whimsical, or absurd? There are no rules...except one: You can't get caught stealing ideas.

Beware the forklift
Again I lay the blame on lack of training.

[verification needed]


That concerns this viral video...

How did they do this?

Rather low-tech don't you think?


As a teenager, I did something similar. I cut the armrests off a lawn chair. Back then they were just aluminum L-shapes - perfect for making a bracket to hold the toggle switches. 
I could activate or inactivate my interior light and brake lights. The interior light in case my girlfriend and I were naked and wanted to open the door. The brake lights so I could slow after passing a cop without detection.

She is a remarkably accomodating lady.

Men can't resist doing shit like that.
Of course, I would bet on it.

Anybody know what that is? 
No matter what it is they seem extremely slow to react.

Watch carefully...and wait until the end.
That's funny as all get out!

The funeral sequence in the movie Gandhi (1982) had over 300,000 extras.

Two-thirds were volunteers  (which means somebody had to pay 100,00 of them). It was filmed on 31 January 1981, the 33rd anniversary of Gandhi's funeral. The sequence in the final film version only lasts 125 seconds. It's in the Guinness Book of World Records.


He's officially called the "Backup Guy".




For years I bought Stress Balls by the gross because I didn't know they were for squeezing and I just threw them at anyone who stressed me out.




Every dog I've ever had when the doorbell rings...


Another lockdown activity...

Be careful what you wish for.

His most precious possession.

How do you train a dog to do that?

I think exotic pets are a great idea.

I don't even like cats yet I'm impressed.
To be honest I'm allergic to cats so I avoid them at all costs.

Tardigrade - my favorite

That little bastard is my Spirit Animal.

Feeding African Wild Dogs


Notice how some of the pull ropes periodically go slack except for the middle dog's.

After a failed attempt he steps back, reassesses, and gets himself a Plan B.
It's like it understood the physics involved in counterbalancing.


I, for one, quite like Roman Numerals.




It's like being kind is seen as a weakness.



You saw it here first, folks!

I posted that on Jan. 9.


76 years ago Auschwitz was liberated.

Slow down and look into the eyes of each and every one of them.

More images with names and dates:








That's how to lose part of your tongue.





Anonymous said...

puzzle time: rink, risk, rise

Scott James said...

Puzzle time:


Steve said...



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