About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

SUNDAY #4435

 One Of My Very Own








Grape soda doesn't taste like grapes but it sure as hell tastes like purple.



That's not really funny I just like their expressions.


Get it?

Just remember, a writer wrote that line and he just said it.

White People

I find that level of stupidity hilarious.










This is your guardian angel when you click on Pornhub for the 5th time in one day...









This was filmed the night before the attempted coup at the Capitol.

"Those Trumpers were drunk and looking for trouble. Karen is clearly trying to steal this woman's phone, catches a right.  I just think we should all take a moment to appreciate this brave woman for standing up for herself in the middle of a racist mob."

 Full video: VIDEO LINK






My wife thought a Cold War meant you took the summers off.







Day in the Life of a Wandering Archaeologist

"I find all kinds of strange things out in the desert.  Often I never learn what I was looking at.  Here someone's carved a little cave into the side of the hill.  When?  Why?  Who knows?"

Every time I see rocks I look for a Heart of Stone.
And I found one.


"Cancel Christianity." Jeeeez.




I thought they did that years ago.


"A giant dump for mankind."


Andre the Giant plane passenger


[verification needed]


Gravitational lensing. 

This is the first observational proof of the theory of relativity.

Einstein published his general theory of relativity in 1915 AD. The solar eclipse of 1919, May 29 offered him the perfect opportunity to test his theory experimentally. For a brief moment during the eclipse, the Moon would block the Sun’s light in the sky and make visible some of the stars that lie close to the line of sight of the Sun, not normally visible during the daytime. By measuring the positions of these stars during the eclipse and comparing them to their positions at night, when the sun is not in the field of view,  it would be possible to determine whether their light rays bend while passing close to the Sun.


Bear chasing a skier down a mountain...


When my mother-in-law died my wife came across a whole stack of her checks that had Cannabis in the "For" line. My wife's sister had a horse named Cannabis and the check was for stable fees.


[verification needed]



You know how you bite into an extremely hot pizza and burn the roof of your mouth then 5 seconds later you do the exact thing again.












Anonymous said...

I'm guessing 12.

Anonymous said...

puzzle time: just multiply the number of letters for each position: 2x1x2x3=12

Ralph Henry said...

Well, I think we found the professional puzzle solver.
If you run across others please send them to me...my well is running dry.

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