About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

SUNDAY #4442

 One Of My Very Own










The best part of growing old is knowing the statute of limitations has run out on all my felonies.



The Day The Music Died


But the bomber crews blew up tens of thousands of children.

It’s a pity the journalist didn’t ask for her contact information at that moment. So he searched for this mother for 11 years. Fortunately, the journalist got her contract information recently, then visited her. Now she is a lovely mother of 4 kids.


Clearing the ground African-style...
Boys just want to have fu-un.

People have died for less.

Physics need not apply...


Orgasm with sound:

And never forget - a writer sat at a desk and wrote that scene.

If I were a judge I wouldn't even charge him for that.

Daddy cut his beard.

Everything was fine until the last grounded person linked up.



Men who stop at yellow lights won't do that thing you like.

I had to think about that.


Trust me, I come here often...

I'm thinking he worked in the plumbing section and made his own table with what was available.


SpaceX's prototype Mars rocket crashes in a test flight


As I understand it, it is the roots holding these places togther.


Want it to last? Build it with stone.

This is amazing!
You might want to enlarge that.

Buffalo Bill's house to become precious little B&B


Wait for it...

Do you remember the city not letting me turn my attic into a playroom for my children because at least 80% of the floor space had to have an 8' clearance? That seems not to be the rule where that guy lives.


3D street art by Sergio Odeth


A developer once turned an old textile mill into a shopping mall and called me in to paint a mural. I used that photo as a model to make a bit of a social statement.


For years I thought Moby Dick was a male venereal disease.




Hawk vs. Snake


“Dragon scales” calcite crystal with pyrite

Rocks are cool as shit!




The moon placement is artful...
You can tell where you live by whether you call them fireflies or lightning bugs.

Giant ship launching


Boy, doesn't that look...efficient.


The Antelope Jackrabbit

That thing looks extremely fast.




How to catch tardigrades

Not as hard as one would have thought.

How clever.

Sea Lions?


Central Asian Shepherd Dog.


I'm pretty sure that is not a painting but rather a photo wrap.

I'm assuming the horses are used to that happening.

Blue Whale (blue dot) dodging ships while trying to feed.

I think the longer version will be worth your time.

Who knew cows were that fast?

Not that little dog.

Something you don't see every damn day.

This week's lucky SOB

Think of how fast it must have been going to make it up that far.







I think that's manure.





Anonymous said...

Puzzle:.. Trial separation

Anonymous said...

Trial seperation

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