About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 22, 2021

MONDAY #4443

 One Of My Very Own







500,000 American lives have been lost to COVID.

Each tiny dot is a dead mother, father, son, or daughter.




For one purpose only: _ A _ _ _

Org. that takes many forms: _ _ _

Brown. ender: _ _ _

": _ I _ _ _

What's more, it's said: _ E _ _

Not for mass audiences: _ I _ _ _

Z4 or Q50: _ _ _

What tots might go after: _ A _ _ _

Down stream: _ E _ _ _


Apple now makes a phone with no charging port at all and every time it dies you have to buy a new one.





There has never been a time in human history when that was more important.
There are millions of people who believe an anonymous source for their "true".
I am convinced that Q is a few teenage boys in their parent's basements just fucking around. Q after all was an all-knowing character on Star Trek.

This phenomenon is not new...

But back then nobody actually believed it.
Now almost half the country believes that Donald Trump is looking out for them.

I am convinced that conservatives would eat crayons if Democrats told them not to. How else can you explain millions of Americans thinking that wearing a face mask DURING A PANDEMIC is a Democratic ploy to steal you "freedoms"? How about my freedom not to die?

Maybe, but that does not diminish its necessity. I am of the opinion that anyone who works 40 hours a week should not qualify for food stamps.

And don't get me started on Medicare for All...Medicare that ever old person LOVES...Medicare that will SAVE money...and, of course, SAVE thousands of Americans' lives.

This is part of my bio at the beginning of this blog.
Well, watching half a million of my fellow citizens die needlessly pisses me off. Seeing my fellow citizens act like they have never heard of a pandemic pisses me off.
So please cut me some slack.

Is there anybody out there who dares to tell me that there is NOTHING we can do to keep military-grade weapons out of the hands of crazy people?

It's the US and THEM attitude that will doom us.


Another thing that might prove our doom is our disdain for higher education.


A valued viewer sent me these...


But liberals never tried to overthrow the government - killing a police officer while doing it.

It seems like half the country have lost their 
Crab Detector.

Can any of you conservatives defend that?


Ladies, If your trendy high-waisted shorts are so short that I can literally see the entire lower half of you ass then you seriously need to keep wearing them forever because it's fantastic and I love it. Thank you.





I couldn't agree more. Let them find their own way.






All things Ralph...


When I was in Boston there was a department store whose windows were decorated with various boards with different meanings. For instance, the Board of Governors was a plank that had pictures of famous governors, and the Cheese Board had chunks of cheese. But there were dozens and those are the only two I can remember.
Can any of you think of others?


Sorry, I'm cranky. I'm just in my terrible 70s right now.



"Hey, you gonna eat that?"


When it actually is your first rodeo...



And Americans are fat because of one reason...
I read that when a cruise ship was moving to an American port that they had to install sturdier furniture to accommodate our fat asses.


And he calmly walks away.

Anti-paparazzi clothing.

I think of the photographer just trying to make a living.


If one plant's discomfort affects another plant negatively, does that plant photosympathize with it? 




It was credited to a ban on air travel.

On Feb. 7, 1984 - 37 years ago today - Astronaut Bruce McCandless made the first-ever untethered spacewalk 12,000 miles above the Earth.


Core drilling from the other side.

Did you find any Hearts of Stone? I did.

Classic tattoos from the late 1800s


Just a great Dad playing with his kid after the rain.


Well, we found the guy with a giant dick.

In 1849, Henry "Box" Brown was a slave who mailed himself in a wooden crate to freedom from Richmond, Virginia to the Anti Slavery Office in Philadelphia. 

The delivery took 26 hrs and he later became a public speaker and slave abolitionist.




For one purpose only: ADHOC

Org. that takes many forms: IRS

Brown. ender: EDU


What's more, it's said: LESS

Not for mass audiences: NICHE

Z4 or Q50: CAR

What tots might go after: TATER

Down stream: TEARS












Dr. WeTodd said...

(A12) yes liberals have tried, look up inauguration day of George Bush jr and Trumps inauguration day. "YouTube that sheeeit!" I don't care for political sides I just care to be aware of what's going on around me.

Anonymous said...

Chopin Board (picture of Copin on a chopping board)
Surf Board - Surf detergent box on a 2x4.

Steve said...

A and C are not possible

Anonymous said...

A12 I read the police officer died from a stroke. See any other autopsy reports. No, why? Because they don't play to the narrative. "The medical examiner who performed Mr Sicknick's autopsy said there were no signs of blunt force trauma contributing to the officer's death."
There was no attempted overthrowing of the government. They weren't armed and I'm sure they had plenty of arms if they wanted to bring them. The clowns there were not "conservatives" but a bunch of misfit wackos on something that resembled a high school field trip that got out of hand than a so called "insurrection".

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A12 Anon,
That is the silliest description of what happened on Jan. 6 that could possibly be conjured up.

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