About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 4, 2021


 One Of My Very Own











This is what Saturn would look like if it was the same distance as the moon.

I would have thought it would look bigger.

I should have noticed that.

I used to get positive feedback at my bar but with self-imposed lockdown, I can only rely on you, Gentle Reader.

As one would guess for a crossword master I'm pretty good at Scrabble. But because I'm obsessed with making complicated long words, I don't always win.

I never really thought about wild animals getting old.

Now I'm kinda sad.



First actual image of a coronavirus made using Cryo-EM tomography

From everything you have ever learned have you formulated a risk assessment strategy to avoid this killer? If not it's not too late. Your plan need not be 100% effective to be worth your effort. 

Have you ever heard anyone say, "I don't know nothin' about art but I know what I like"? Well, that mindset could be fatal during a pandemic. That virus doesn't give a good goddamn what you like. Its only job is to kill you. An effective strategy is to take as many mitigation measures as you can...not the least.


Speaking of...
It's airborne you fool. Your number one concern should be to keep EVERYBODY'S breath out of your lungs. If they breathe on your purchase all you have to do is avoid touching your face and wash your hands as soon as possible.

 It is a small Village of almost 6,000 inhabitants and one of the longest streets in Poland, stretching 9 km nonstop

I can only assume there is a difference between a street and a highway.



English civil war fort revealed by flooding after a storm



The Babylonians kept astronomical diaries from about the 7th century onward. 

 This clay cuneiform tablet in the British Museum records the appearance and passing of the comet from 22-28 September, 164 BCE.


"You promised you'd see the penguin when you got out."

Imagine having the ability to create scenes that will literally stay in the mind's eye of 10s of millions of people.


Indeed. "Behold" is a good one also.



I’ve traveled for business enough that I’ve memorized the takeoff sequence of your standard commercial aircraft, so I like to yell “WHEELS UP!” about two seconds before I know that’s going to happen just to make the other passengers nervous that I provided a helpful reminder.



Notice the spider in the top middle. Do you think it is frozen?

I cringe at looking at these...

It's good to watch someone who knows what they are doing before you fuck it up yourself.

Does this bother you?
How about this closeup?
The rows are not straight and that ruined it for me.




Do you see the oddness?
Look closely.
The exhaust hood is over the sink!

I think they changed the phone without changing the sign.

Know what this is meant to be?


My wife sat in her hairstylist's chair and said, "Make me look sexy."

He started drinking.




I don't like sending you elsewhere but my blog host doesn't allow sound and you will not only need sound you will need to crank it up.

That's a chain!

Working doesn't have to be boring.

I find that delightful.



She thought she would riot with impunity.
No one knows who makes up these crazy conspiracy theories but if you know anything about the internet then you know it is probably a teenage troll just pulling your chain. 


People say that I have to respect everyone's opinion. Oh, no I do not have to any such thing.
You people need to hone your bullshit detectors.

Let's judge your bullshit detector on this one:

I think this is faked but still worthy of a listen.

Now please listen to this person and try to discern if she is a textbook cultist.
Yeah, he got arrested. 
Famous last words are a bitch.

Vice President Harris

As a father of two daughters I'm all for it.


Before kids: I’ll never lie to my children.

With kids: Eating candy after dark makes you poop spiders.



NOTE: I put this post together two weeks ago.

I know what I said about dropping Trump from my content, but it's been over two weeks. I collected these the day after Biden was sworn in.  Besides I found all these things quite amusing.
Feel free to skip if you are so inclined.


A couple of things that didn't age well...

Don't forget the German banks.


Remember all the people who gave money for the wall?
And don't forget the millions Trump took in for Stop the Steal. It seems that being a cultist is expensive.




A couple of items Trump wants off the internet. You know what to do.

"Removed" from the internet. Good fucking luck with that!

This is one of the best juxtapositions I've ever seen.

A promise from me to you:
If you send me anything funny concerning the Dems I will gladly post it.


If I have any Trump fans left in my viewership I impel you to send me your predictions of how Biden will ruin our lives. I dare you.
In one year we will review all predictions.










1 comment:

Steve said...

13 total triangles
9 singles, 3 with 4 inside, and 1 with 9 inside

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