About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


 One Of My Very Own









Notice that it took only one month for the last 100K increase. We Americans have set a benchmark for the world on how NOT to manage a pandemic. And that is profoundly embarrassing to me personally. We can and should have done so much better.

Here is one of the reasons for our dismal display of ignorance. It compares a state which mandated masks to one that didn't.
I blame governmental leadership and my fervent desire is that their records be held against them in coming elections.

But it can get much, much worse.
That ought to scare the ever-living shit out of you.

In case you have a cat...

In October of last year, the chastity cage - a sex toy that users put around their penis to prevent erections that are used in the BDSM community and can be unlocked remotely - had left an API exposed, giving malicious hackers a chance to take control of the devices. That's exactly what happened, according to a security researcher who obtained screenshots of conversations between the hacker and several victims, and according to victims interviewed by Motherboard.   

A victim who asked to be identified only as Robert said that he received a message from a hacker demanding payment of 0.02 Bitcoin (around $750 today) to unlock the device. He realized his cage was definitely "locked," and he "could not gain access to it."

[verification needed]


Years ago I read about a proposal to have astronauts exploring other worlds back up to a recess in their habitat and lock in their life support "backpack". When the inside door opened, they would just open the backpack (as seen above) and crawl inside. Evidently, it was needed to keep from contaminating the interior with harmful dust - what with the filthy suit left hanging outside.
Does anybody know what happened to that idea?

NOTE: I have no idea why my font increases and decreases in size even though I have set it time after time. Anybody?

Well, you should. Here's a tutorial.

As I understand it they exploded!

There's a lot about that I don't understand. 
Not the least of which is the configuration of the truck.
What's on the back?

The 18th-century wooden church surrounded by pine trees, Serbia.

Many years ago my daughters planted a tree for me on my birthday and I look at that towering reminder of their love every day of my life.
Might I suggest that you plant a tree on each of your child's birthdays for precisely the same reason?


A Panther Adopted A Baby Jaguar

But a commenter wrote: "that's...not really an adoption..like that's probably just its actual kitten. since panthers are just black jaguars."

So, I looked it up.

The term black panther is most frequently applied to black-coated leopards (Panthera pardus) of Africa and Asia and jaguars (P. onca) of Central and South America; black-furred variants of these species are also called black leopards and black jaguars, respectively.


As an old nuke guy, I can attest to the seriousness of each and every one of them. They even coined a term for it - Broken Arrow.

Let me know how that works out for you.

What a brilliantly elegant illustration.


The only thing more satisfying than doing big yard projects yourself is paying someone to do it while you occasionally watch out the window.

Fuck anti-vaxxers.





Speaking of...

I know grown men who hold an emotional, rabid hatred of anything to do with Clemson University.


My wife's most endearing and effective signature move...

And here's her backup strategy...

Worked on me.



When you know the answer but the teacher won't call on you...



This I offer for my wife to use when rebutting one of her Facebook friends.
Here's another...




I’m married, so I recorded the last time I had sex 4 years ago and periodically I open the windows at 3 am and play it to impress the neighbors.



Backcountry Rig

For him, it's easier in winter what with the snow and all.

I'm thinking he's done that before.

Did she really say that? Hell, I don't know, but it needed saying.

Imagine hundreds of Mongols on horseback firing at your position in such rapidity.

When I was a teenager my friends and I practiced with a sling for hours a day for months.
We made ours with a tongue of shoe...
And leather boot laces.
We actually got pretty good with it.

I wonder how long it took for him to find a beer glass the exact right size.

I am always careful to reward my helpers.

As Tom Brady and Drew Brees hug and say goodbye after a long talk on the field, Brady throws a touchdown pass to Brees’ son.

Meanwhile, his daughter is beating the crap out of one of his sons.


I'm not sure I understand everything there is to know about that. Anybody?

Ella Fitzgerald was jailed in 1955 for singing to an integrated audience.

That was in my lifetime. And many Americans expect blacks to "just get over it." If roles were reversed would you be able to just get over it?


She didn’t want anyone Trick-or-Treating, so my wife went Christmas caroling on our front porch.











[verification needed]


A clumsy worker accidentally lets out all the covid from the 5G tower.

















Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: "X"

Plod said...

What's on the back? ^^A9^^
Its grit. They grit the roads at the same time. The wire mesh makes sure there are no 'lumps' in the grit when they load it up. You're Welcome.

Anonymous said...

Technical point: you don’t “Fire” a bow it isn’t a firearm. The correct term is “loose” a bow.

Burgervan said...

B12 Thanks for quoting Me! :)

Burgervan said...

D6 AND Cats attack anything DANGLING! Think 'Kilts'! hahaha

Anonymous said...

Your font problem is probably being controlled by the boner cage people. And fuck Clemson. Have a nice day!

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