One Of My Very Own
Dating: Hold me and never let me go.
Marriage: Part of your knee is on my side of the bed again.
That's a classy way of saying:
"Fuck around and find out."
They call him Dick because it's so short.
Branch Managers
Can you imagine what would happen if men who kill their daughters for embarrassing them, beat their wives, stone adulters, and hang homosexuals were allowed TO DRINK?!
When corona is over and people are allowed to socialize again...
Behind the Scenes Dump
I love thinking about things like that. I would empty everything I could out of the cabinet then I will lay it on its back. Then I would fill it with water. Then when I lifted the door I might be able to scoop the china up before it sank to the bottom.
Strip Billards?
"Put me in the game, coach."
If a man remembers the color of his eyes after the first date it means you have small boobs.
I don't often endorse products but I've come across a couple that you need to know about.
First is this small Bosch drill - so small it fits in your pocket.
But it is unbelievably strong. But get this - the spare battery charges faster than you can delete the one in the drill so you are never without power. And the battery WILL NOT bleed off power sitting on a shelf. I've left it on a shelf for months and when I come back it has the same charge I left it with.
Oh, and it has a light.
This is a liquid lube that dries almost instantly.
Just hold a tissue under a door lock and squirt that shit in. It's amazing.
^^C0^^I'm going to assume his brakes failed and he made a miraculous save.
The Khotyn Fortress is a fortification complex located on the right bank of the Dniester River in Khotyn, Chernivtsi province of western Ukraine.
The Khotyn Fortress' beginning goes back to the Khotyn Fort, which was built in the 10th century by Prince Volodymyr Sviatoslavich as one of the border fortifications of southwestern Kyivan State', after he added the land of present-day Bukovina to his control.
In 1250–64, Prince Danylo of Halych and his son Lev, rebuilt the fortress. They added a half-meter (20 in) stone wall and a 6-meter (20 ft) wide moat around the fortress. In the northern part of the fortress, were added new military buildings as well. In the second half of the 13th century, it was rebuilt by the Genoese.
"A Greenpeace ship has been dropping huge boulders into the sea off Brighton this week to stop fishing boats from trawling the sea bed. The action is part of a campaign to tighten restrictions on the most destructive forms of fishing in protected areas of UK waters. But leaders of the fishing community describe the action as dangerous, illegal and irresponsible."
175-year-old fan made by the East India Company - when there was no electricity.
Wouldn't that just spread the heat from the flame?
Did anybody find out if this is factual or computer-generated?
We were given a studio in graduate school but we were forbidden to sleep there. My friend made a bed that lifted to the ceiling just like that. He got caught anyway and we both figured somebody ratted him out.
Grandma tackles a thief trying to steal her purse...
I would very much like to meet that lady.
I'm assuming snow in the desert.
He is forbidden to do that.
The inner rings read "Dare Mighty Things," and the outer rings give the JPL's GPS coordinates:
There Are Strange Deep Holes On Mars
A strange feature has been observed on the surface of Mars: a deep pit, showing as a black spot of darkness in images taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The HiRise team at the University of Arizona adjusted the brightness of the image to find out what the black spot was. The mystery area is a pit with a sand floor and slopes down to the southeast, as Futurism detailed:
"You ain't fuckin' my bitches, bitch."
- Alpha lion probably
I just learned there's a mutation that causes frogs' eyes to grow inside their mouths.
And if you think that's weird, scientists have grafted eyes on a tadpole's tail.
That doesn't make it right.
Snow, mud, and hard surfaces!
Columbia Glacier in Alaska has a 200-foot ice shooter while calving. You might want to watch the whole clip.

Find Two Differences
B7: Exactly HOW are You taking everything out of the cabinet? Lol
Puzzle: Clock time and bus number.
Dear Burgervan, I thought maybe it had two doors.
C0: I need a new cordless drill and that one looks perfect. It looks like the model is PS31-2A, is that correct or is it a different one?
Plane, clock time, bus number.
"government spending on health services is higher in the US than in nearly every other country"
Yes, Burger, and you will love it.
B7: That's an awful lot of work, and you're going to ruin your china cabinet with the water. If you can lay it on its back then you can lay it on its front. So then all you have to do is leave the door on the floor and "open" the china cabinet from the door. Problem solved.
And airplane
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