About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

SUNDAY #4463

One Of My Very Own





Is it too much to ask that people just stick to their own values? I say, Fuck Cuomo. Did you Republicans ever say Fuck Trump?


Your move, Stopthestealers.








Gender Jargon





RH: I find shit like that hilarious.


Even though he admitted knowing at the time how deadly it was. What a guy!









I've made it to that level of marriage where you get in trouble for being able to fall asleep too quickly.




More than 750 American communities have built their own internet networks. Here's info on local broadband networks in your area (and how to start one: INFORMATION LINK


Not one person in this footage is alive anymore. But here they are, alive, living out their plans and goals. Before World War I or, before air travel. Without a thought of being observed by someone on Folio Olio 121 years later.


Eva Justin was born on 23 August 1909 in Dresden. She graduated from High School in 1933, the same year Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, and began to study to become a nurse at the University Hospital in Tübingen under Dr. Robert Ritter.

Robert Ritter (b. 14 May 1901) was at Tübingen completing studies in child psychology and “criminal inheritability” – the idea that people might, in modern understanding, have a genetic predisposition to "criminal behavior". In the 1930s, this field was heavily entwined with the eugenics and ‘racial purity’ pseudo-scientific political movements.

In 1936 Ritter was appointed head of the Racial Hygiene and Demographic Biology Research Unit, a division of the German Kriminalpolizei (Kripo).

These are her Romani victims.


On February 23, 2021, the armed forces of the Russian Federation in Eastern Ukraine once again cynically violated the ceasefire and, in addition to shelling Ukrainian positions with prohibited weapons,  they also opened fire on village Khutor Volny (farmstead Freedom) in the Luhansk region, eastern Ukraine. 

The occupiers used machine-gun anti-tank grenade launchers to shell civilians, as well as to remotely mine the village.

Russians used POMZ-2 stake mounted anti-personnel fragmentation mines. 

A Ukrainian soldier explains:  

"They can fire such a mine for up to a kilometer. There is a case and everything is inside it. The case falls down, ejects the mine and it has such "legs". The mine "stands up" on these "legs" and shoots out the wires. And if you touch the wire, it explodes.  Four springs inside and a fish line. Fish lines eject the weights and the line is stretched, so if you touch the line, the mine explodes.

As you see, the cases are all scratched, the enemy wants to hide its presence and use of anti-personnel mines, forbidden by Minsk agreements and all over the world."


This is one of the most ancient cat breeds in Thailand called NaiNud (นายนุด)

Unfortunately, this breed is almost extinct.

Thai people haven't seen it for a long long time. 

This is the first time they've ever discovered.

 For more information about this cat, you can read it on the Facebook page "Cats of Thailand".



Marriage is having separate tubes of toothpaste because your spouse squeezes it wrong.



Reminds me of this skit...

Some comments are more predictable than others...

These are the cars...



Just something else to worry about...


A steam engine drag race...



Look what I found on the street in front of my house.

The outer part is the nut that holds a connector to the junction box.

But somebody wedged a penny inside.

And then they placed a stamp on the reverse side.

The stamp was 37¢ 20 years ago.

I like it and have added it to my permanent collection of memorabilia.


"I'll get my own fucking stick!"

- Dog probably







My wife and I play this fun game during the quarantine. It's called "Why are you doing it that way?" And there are no winners.





A very old lock on a mosque door...




I had a friend who found out that there were no entrants in his class at a drag race so he won a huge trophy in a stock 1968 VW Beetle. True.

I have always thought that guy made that movie. It was a role few others could have pulled off with such elan.


Think of the poor dick-double who during the interview was asked to show his junk to make sure it wasn't "confusingly large".

This is how I imagined that tidbit:

But no, I'm not all that impressed...

What if the dick-double applied by email? 


The Painting That Appears in Goodfellas is Based on a Photo From a  National Geographic Article in 1978


This is a huge double-door refrigerator.

What verve.


We can do better than this.

That just ain't right, Y'all.

Is Capitalism's only concern making money? Maybe it's time we broaden our horizons.






Some people are actually waiting for that to happen. But I seriously doubt they would take their clothes.







What animal is depicted here?


Anonymous said...

puzzle: Marlboro Man

David said...

Puzzle- Rotate it clockwise 90 degrees
It's a cowboy!

Burgervan said...

puzzle: Mothra. with it's cock out! hahaha

Anonymous said...

A8: I agree!

Anonymous said...

A12: Bravo/Brava!

Anonymous said...

B4: Wonderful observation and interesting to think about!

Anonymous said...

Trump: many did say F trump. That's why he lost. It's not a biden's money. It's my money or really just a small part of what they take every year. Oh, forgot, I don't even get that.

Ralph Henry said...

Is that an example of Qanon code language that I've been hearing so much about?

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